人类学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (06): 1027-1037.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0012
邢松,研究员,主要从事古人类学研究。E-mail: xingsong@ivpp.ac.cn
孙琦雅慧,硕士研究生,主要从事古人类学研究。E-mail: sunqiyahui22@mails.ucas.ac.cn
SUN Qiyahui1,2(), XING Song1()
孙琦雅慧, 邢松. 广西通天岩洞穴遗址柳江人的多生齿[J]. 人类学学报, 2024, 43(06): 1027-1037.
SUN Qiyahui, XING Song. A supernumerary tooth of the Liujiang Man from the Tongtianyan cave site in Guangxi[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2024, 43(06): 1027-1037.
图1 正中多生齿位置的分类标准 1.冠状面 Coronal plane; 2. 矢状面 Sagittal plane; 3. 横断面Transverse plane。改自文献[34] / Revised after [34]
Fig.1 Classification criteria of mesiodens in different views
图2 柳江人上颌区域 1.上颌区域底面观Bottom view of the Liujiang maxillary region; 2. 上颌区域三维重建底面观,多生齿的齿冠和齿根分别以蓝色和黄色表示,红色为鼻腭管Bottom view of the virtual reconstruction of the Liujiang maxillary region, the crown and root of the Liujiang supernumerary tooth are shown in blue and yellow, respectively, the nasopalatine canal is shown in red; 3. 上颌区域三维重建正面观,多生齿的齿冠和齿根分别以蓝色和黄色表示,红色为鼻腭管Frontal view of the virtual reconstruction of the maxillary region, the crown and root of the Liujiang supernumerary tooth are shown in blue and yellow, respectively, the nasopalatine canal is shown in red; 4. 顶面观Top view; 5. 底面观Bottom view; 6. 外侧观Lateral view; 7. 后面观Posterior view; 8. 内侧观Medial view; 白色箭头指示多生齿The white arrows indicate the supernumerary tooth.
Fig.2 The maxillary region of Liujiang
图3 临床案例与柳江人上颌区域的多生齿对比 1, 6. 上颌冠状面Coronal plane of the maxillary region; 2, 4, 7. 上颌矢状面Sagittal plane of the maxillary region; 3, 5, 8. 上颌横断面Transverse plane of the maxillary region; 白色箭头指示多生齿The white arrows indicate the supernumerary tooth; 1-3.英国多生齿临床患者,引自文献[14] / Clinical cases of the British patients, cite from [14]; 4, 5.国内多生齿临床患者,引自[38] / clinical cases of the Chinese patients, cite from [38]; 6-8.柳江人上颌骨显微断层扫描图Microscopic sectional scan of maxilla of Liujiang Man
Fig.3 Sectional images of the maxillary region in clinical cases and Liujiang
图4 中腭区(1-3)及上颌前区(4-7)多生齿对比情况 1. 柳江人上颌区域三维重建底面观Bottom view of the virtual reconstruction of the Liujiang maxillary region; 2. 距今1.3万年的澳大利亚现代人上颌区域照片,引自[17] / Photo of the maxillary region of the 13,000-year-old Australian modern human, cite from [17]; 3. 距今2470年波兰现代人上颌区域三维底面图,引自[40] / Bottom view of the maxillary region of the 2470-year-old Polish modern human, cite from [40]; 4, 5. 距今170万年前南方古猿上颌前区腭侧已萌出的补充型多生齿,引自[16] / Supernumerary tooth in the 1.7 million-year-old Australopithecus robustus, cite from [16]; 6, 7. 德克萨斯州北部公元1200~1500年前上颌前区唇腭向水平多生齿,引自[45] / Labio-palatal horizontal supernumerary tooth of a child found in northern Texas, 1200~1500 AD, cite from [45]. 白色箭头指示多生齿位置The white arrows indicate the supernumerary tooth
Fig.4 Supernumerary teeth in the Mid-palatal Region (1-3) and Maxillary Anterior Region (4-7)
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