人类学学报 ›› 1995, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (02): 162-168.

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  • 出版日期:1995-06-15 发布日期:1995-06-15

The effects of sexual development on maximal oxygen uptake in girls

Lin Wansheng, Ji Chengye, Zhang Yuqing et al.   

  • Online:1995-06-15 Published:1995-06-15

摘要: 根据是否发生月经,将11─13岁女童分为未来潮组及已来潮组,比较两组身高、体重、瘦体重及最大吸氧量的差异,结果表明同龄月经未来潮组女童身高、体重、瘦体重、O2max绝对值、O2max/身高及O2max/HRmax均低于已来潮女童,而O2max/体重及O2max/瘦体重略高于已来潮组女童.分析了产生这种差异的可能原因.

关键词: 最大吸氧量;月经初潮;女童

Abstract: According to whether experiencing menarche or not, the investigated girls at 11一13 ages were classified into two groups: group with menarche and group without menarche. Comparisons between two groups showed that height, weight, lean body mass (LBM) and absolute value of VO2max, VO2max/height and VO2max/HRmax in girls without menarche were smaller than that in their peers with menarche, and VO2max/weight and VO2max/LBM were bigger slightly. The possible reasons of emerging the differences were analysed.

Key words: Maximal oxygen uptake; Menarche; Girls