人类学学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (03): 218-224.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2003-09-15 发布日期:2003-09-15

Minor skeletal variants of Neolithic human skulls from Guangrao, Shandong

SHANG Hong; HAN Kang-xin; LI Zhen-guang   

  • Online:2003-09-15 Published:2003-09-15

摘要: 通过对山东广饶新石器时代大汶口文化墓地90年代发掘的61具成年头骨进行小变异特征出现率的观察与统计并在此基础上进行聚类分析和主成分分析研究认为,广饶人群的蒙古人种地区类型属于东亚类型。同时本文结果提示,在明确蒙古人种地区类型的主成分分析研究中,贡献率较大的三个小变异特征为下颌舌骨肌线桥、舌下神经管二分、眶上孔,这将为以后人们用小变异方法从事这方面的研究中如何选择观察项目方面提供了基础。

关键词: 人类头骨;小变异;广饶;新石器时代

Abstract: The human skeletons studied in this article were buried ca.5000Bp and unearthed at Guangrao Neolithic Site of Shandong. We observed 61 human skulls of them in eight minor skeletal variants and calculated the frequency of their occurrence. The results from the cluster analysis and the principle component analysis based on the mean measure of divergence (MMD) of eight groups of Mongoloids show that the Guangrao skeletons belong to the East Asian Mongoloid group and we also find that mylohyoid bridge, double hypoglossal canal and supraorbital foramen contribute more to differenti- ate the geographical types of Mongoloids.

Key words: Human skull; Minor skeletal variants; Guangrao; Neolithic