人类学学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 107-115.

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  • 出版日期:2007-06-15 发布日期:2007-06-15

Sex determination of the human fossil cranium from Jingchuan

LI Haijun, WU Xiujie   

  • Online:2007-06-15 Published:2007-06-15

摘要: 1984年刘玉林等报道了在甘肃泾川发现的一具晚期智人头骨化石,判定该头骨代表一个女性青年个体。本文检查了顶矢状脊、乳突、耳孔上脊、枕外脊、枕外隆凸、枕骨上项线、枕骨圆枕和肌脊8项非测量性状,及星点间宽、星点至人字点距离、颅宽、耳上颅高、顶矢状弦、颞骨鼓板长和宽7项测量性状,并就7项测量性状与武山头骨进行了对比,认为它更有可能属于男性。

关键词: 泾川;头骨;性别;人类化石

Abstract: In 1976, a less-than-complete skull cap was found in Jingchuan, Gansu Province by Liu Yulin. Previous studies showed that this cranium belonged to a female about 20 years old. In this paper, we analyzed eight non-metric features and seven metric traits of this cranium. The non-metric features include sagittal keeling, mastoid process, supra-porion crest, external occipital crest, external occipital protuberance, superior nucha line, occipital torus and occipital muscular. In a comparison of these features between the Jingchuan skull cap, other human fossils and modern Chinese, we find that the Jingchuan cranium is possibly male.

Key words: Jingchuan; Skull; Sex; Human fossil