人类学学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 125-127.

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  • 出版日期:2007-06-15 发布日期:2007-06-15

Have“Tongzi”fossils symptom of dental fluorosis ?

LI Yongsheng   

  • Online:2007-06-15 Published:2007-06-15

摘要: 目的:对“桐梓人”化石具有“氟性斑釉齿病症”一说提出不同意见,以维护鉴定结论的科学性。方法:依据全国地方性氟中毒防治方案,从氟斑牙的诊断、环境水氟的测定、动物患病情况三方面与吴文对化石牙齿的描述认定相比较。结果:仅凭“有三颗牙齿的牙冠有明显的黄色小凹坑”不能确立“氟斑齿病症”的认定;测环境水样含氟量在0.1—0.3mg/L之间,属正常范围;同期出土的动物化石无氟斑牙病征。结论:“由于人们生前饮用含氟量较高的水”而致“桐梓人”化石具有“氟性斑釉齿病症”的认定是缺乏依据的。

关键词: “桐梓人”;化石;氟斑牙

Abstract: According to preliminary analyses of the teeth of H. erectus from Tongzi county undertaken by Wu Maolin in 1984, there was some evidence for dental fluorosis in this fossil. However there is evidence that does not support this viewpoint. For instance, it is believed that fluorine in Tongzi county is a result of burning coal in everyday life and therefore has no relationship with the contamination of groundwater. Also deciduous human teeth indicate a low probability for the presence of fluorosis, whereas animal fossils from thie area show no evidence of fluorine poisoning.

Key words: “Tongzi”; Human teeth; Dental fluorosis