人类学学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 155-164.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2007-06-15 发布日期:2007-06-15

A study on the physical anthropology of“Guomao”Shui population in Guizhou

YU Yuesheng, WANG Kesong, LU Yujiong, RONG Juquan, QIU Xiangzhi, MO Yongan   

  • Online:2007-06-15 Published:2007-06-15

摘要: 本文对贵州三都水族自治县“过卯”水族462人(男238,女224)进行了活体观察和测量。观察项目28个,测量项目64个。调查对象年龄20—55岁,三代均为“过卯”水族。分析结果表明:“过卯”水族属圆头型;男性狭面型,女性中面型;阔鼻型;宽手型,窄肩型,中腿型;男性瘦长体型,女性中间体型;男性亚中等,女性矮型身材。与我国南方其他24个少数民族群体聚类分析,结果显示“过卯”水族体质特征与湖南侗族、白裤瑶、贵州毛南族接近。贵州“过卯”水族属蒙古人种南亚类型,具有现代黄种人的容貌特征。

关键词: 活体观察;活体测量;体质人类学;“过卯”水族;水族

Abstract: In May 2005, somatoscopic and anthropometric features of 462 adults of the“Guomao” Shui population living in the Sandou Shui nationality, autonomous county of Guizhou were recorded. The sample of adults aged between 20 to 55 years old included 238 males and 224 females. Parents, grandparents and maternal grandparents were studied. Twenty-eight observations and 64 measurements were made. The results of the survey are summarized briefly asfollows: The average stature of males is 1 606.23 mm, and females is 1 488.88 mm. The span of the arm is longer than that of stature in both sexes. Most of the individuals belong to the anthropometric categories of brachycephaly and platyrrhiny; leptoproscopy for males, mesoproscopy for females, wide hand, narrow shoulder, mesatiskelic type, thin and tall type for males versus medium body type for females. The stature of the “Guomao”Shui type is of sub-medium for male and short for female. The“Guomao”Shui clearly belong to the South Asian type of Mongoloid race. On the basis of the dendrogram of the“Guomao” Shui and of 24 other minorities living in southern China, the physical character of the“Guomao”Shui is most closely related to the Dong in Hunan, Baiku Yao living in Libo county of Guizhou and Nandan county of Guangxi, and the Maonan in Guizhou.

Key words: Somatoscopy; Anthropometry; Physical anthropology;“Guomao”Shui population; Shui nationality