人类学学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 183-192.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    


Christopher J.NORTON;张双权;张乐;高星   

  • 出版日期:2007-06-15 发布日期:2007-06-15

Distinguishing hominin and carnivore signatures in the Plio-Pleistocene faunal record

Christopher J. NORTON, ZHANG Shuang-quan, ZHANG Yue, GAO Xing   

  • Online:2007-06-15 Published:2007-06-15

摘要: 从上/更新世的何时开始,人类的祖先能够成功地与食肉动物争夺大型的猎物资源?这是古人类学研究中的一个重要问题。本文从埋藏学的角度对这一问题进行了全面的回顾与总结。埋藏学研究是建立在现实研究和实验研究基础之上的,死亡年龄分布、骨骼单元分布、骨骼表面改造痕迹的相继引入逐渐丰富了这一学科的研究体系。

关键词: 埋藏学;狩猎与食腐;现实研究和实验研究;死亡年龄分布;骨骼单元分布;骨骼表面改造痕迹

Abstract: At what point during the Plio-Pleistocene our ancestors began to successfully compete with other members of the carnivore guild over large game resources has long been an intriguing question to paleoanthropologists. In order to address this question we must utilize taphonomy, originally from paleontology, but over the course of the past three decades heavily influenced by archaeologists. Presented here is a detailed review of the current state of taphonomic research that is designed to address the nature of hominin-carnivore interactions over large game resources during the Plio-Pleistocene. In particular, mortality and skeletal element profiles and bone surface modification studies form the foundation of this research. Taphonomic research is based on actualistic and experimental studies. The majority of these taphonomic studies have been carried out in North America and the Western Old World. Since taphonomic research has not received a great deal of attention in Eastern Old World paleoanthropology, throughout this review we cite examples of research that has been and is currently being conducted in East Asia.

Key words: Taphonomy; Hunting and scavenging; Actualistic and experimental studies; Mortality profile; Skeletal element profile; Bone surface modification