人类学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (02): 133-143.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


李意愿; 裴树文; 同号文; 杨雄心; 蔡演军; 刘武; 吴秀杰   

  • 出版日期:2013-06-15 发布日期:2013-06-15

A preliminary report on the 2011 excavation at Houbeishan Fuyan Cave, Daoxian, Hunan Province

LI‌Yi-yuan; PEI Shu-wen; TONG‌Hao-wen; YANG‌Xiong-xin; CAI‌Yan-jun; LIU Wu; WU‌Xiu-jie   

  • Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-15

摘要: 福岩洞位于湖南省道县乐福堂乡, 2011年9~10月间, 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所和湖南省文物考古研究所在道县文物管理局的配合下, 对该洞穴进行了发掘, 揭露面积约20㎡。调查显示, 福岩洞属于大型管道型溶洞, 发育于上古生界碳酸盐岩系内, 遗址周边属于峰林和溶盆地貌, 处于岩溶发育的后期。洞内堆积发育, 以砂砾石层和红黏土为主。本次发掘出土5枚古人类牙齿化石和大量哺乳动物化石, 其中人类牙齿总体形态特征与现代人(Homo sapiens)接近; 哺乳动物化石中已鉴定出39种(含未定种), 其中灭绝种只有巴氏大熊猫、最后鬣狗、剑齿象、巨貘、南方猪等; 结合铀系法初步年代测定和动物群面貌判断, 古人类活动的年代大致为晚更新世。本次发掘表明, 该遗址仍有较大的工作潜力, 对其进一步发掘和研究将为探讨古人类在该区域的演化和生活方式提供有价值的科学信息。

关键词: 晚更新世; 古人类; 2011年发掘; 道县; 福岩洞

Abstract: Fuyan Cave (formerly called Houbeishan cave site by local farmers) site, which was discovered in 1984, is an important Late Pleistocene cave. It is located in Tangbei village, Lefutang town,? Daoxian? County,? Hunan? Province? (latitude? 25°39′02.7′′N,? longitude? 111°28′49.2′′E,? 232? m? above? sea? level).?A? new? excavation? was? conducted? by? a? joint? team? from? the? stuff? of? Institute? of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Institute of Cultural? Relics ?and? Archaeology,? and? Office ?for? Cultural ?Relics ?Administration ?of ?Daoxian ?County? during September 10 to October 20, 2011. Five hominin teeth and a large number of mammalian fossils were unearthed.
The ?Fuyan ?Cave,? developed ?in ?the ?limestone? series ?of ?Upper ?Paleozoic,? is? located ?in? the ?hinter land? of? South? China? Plate,? and? south? margin? of? North? Subtropical? Zone.? The? karst? development? of? the cave belongs to the late stage of the karst developing system, which shows the peak forest karst? and? karst? basin? of? the? geomorpholocal? feature? in? the? adjacent? regions.? The? cave,? with? main? subject ?extent ?from ?north ?to? south,? belongs ?to? large ?sized ?pipeline ?type ?cave.??The ?Fuyan ?Cave ?was? formed ?by ?the ?vertical? vadose? fracture? water? dissolution? and ?transferred ?to ?horizontal? vadose? water? corrosion which became the dominant resorption pattern of the karst development. Sand gravel and red clay was developed in the cave which was rich in hominin fossil and mammalian fossils.
This ?excavation? can ?be ?classified ?into ?I? and? II? trenches? exposing? an ?area ?of ?totally ?20m2. Five hominin? teeth? and? large? number? of? mammalian? fossils? were? unearthed? from? this? excavation? season.? Judging? from? the? general? morphological? characteristics? of? the? human? teeth,? the? feature? of ?the? five ?teeth ?shows ?close? tie? with? Homo sapiens,? and ?the ?sizes ?of ?the ?teeth ?all ?full? into ?the? tooth ?size ?variation ?of? Chinese ?modern ?humans.? Thirty? nine? mammalian ?species,? including? some? undetermined? species,? have? been? recognized,? only? few? of? them? got? extinct,? e.g.? Ailuropoda baconi, Crocuta ultima, Stegodon orientalis, Megatapirus augustus and Sus cf. australis. Preliminary U-series dating shows that the sediments were formed after 141700±12100 BP, and the general feature of the mammalian fauna indicate a late Late Pleistocene formation process. Therefore, it can be deduced that hominin occupation in the cave most probably took place in the Late Pleistocene.
It? can ?be ?inferred ?from ?this ?excavation ?that ?the ?cave ?bears ?great? potential? perspectives ?for? excavation? in? the ?near ?future.? In? brief,? the? coming ?excavation ?and ?laboratory ?study? of? cave ?development, ?filling? sequence, hominin teeth morphology, dating, and environmental change from the Fuyan Cave as? well? as? some? caves? from? adjacent? area? will? bear? great? significance? in? the? research? of? human? evolution? and ?adaptive ?behavior? in? Southwest? Hunan,? east ?Guangxi,? and? north? Guangdong.?

Key words: Late ?Pleistocene;? Hominin? fossils; ?Excavation ?in? 2011; ?Daoxian;? Fuyan ?Cave