人类学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (02): 226-232.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    


胡海洋; 赵晓进; 周迪; 李洁; 胡晓林   

  • 出版日期:2013-06-15 发布日期:2013-06-15

Discriminant function analysis of metacarpals of Macaca mulatta living in the Taihang Mountains

HU Hai-yang; ZHAO Xiao-jin; ZHOU Di; LI Jie; HU Xiao-lin   

  • Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-15

摘要: 为了了解成年太行山猕猴5根掌骨的性差大小。本文对太行山猕猴掌骨标本40例(雄:10, 雌:30)进行观察并选择掌骨的9项形态变量进行测量。数据用SPSS19.0软件进行多变量判别分析。结果表明: 5根掌骨长度等变量在性别之间有明显差异。用全模型法5根掌骨的性别正确判别率范围为94.1%~100.0%, 用逐步判别法掌骨性别正确判别率范围为93.8%~97.5%。有关掌骨的9个形态变量, 长度变量首先被挑选出来, 说明在性别判别中起重要作用。分别用左右侧掌骨的判别函数来判别性别时侧别差异不明显。结论: 用每根掌骨的形态变量建立判别函数可以有效地区分性别, 对非人灵长类掌骨标本的性别鉴定有一定的理论意义和应用价值。

关键词: 猕猴; 掌骨; 性差; 判别分析

Abstract: The purpose of this research was to understand sex differences in the five metacarpals of adult Macaca mulatta from the Taihang mountains. Nine osteometric measurements were taken from 40 adult skeletons (10 males and 30 females) and were analyzed using discriminant function analysis from SPSS (Version 19 for Windows). Results showed that metric traits of the five metacarpals were good indicators of sexual dimorphism with accuracy ranging from 94.1-100% (Enter Independents Together method) and 93.8-97.5% (Stepwise). For all nine measurements, maximum length of metacarpal was the first variable selected in the stepwise analysis, which indicates that this variable played an important role in sex determination. It was, however, difficult to determine sex differences between left and right sides. This paper demonstrates that the sex of Macaca mulutta can be identified from metacarpal morphology using discriminant function equations, and this technique can be applied to other non-human primates.

Key words: Macaca mulatta; Metacarpal; Sex dimorphism; Discriminatory analysis