人类学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (01): 51-59.

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  • 出版日期:2014-03-15 发布日期:2014-03-15

A Preliminary Report of the Stone Artifacts from the 27th Cave of the Dayao Site

WANG Yinghua, LIU Jiaxu, SHAN Mingchao, LI Feng, CHEN Fuyou   

  • Online:2014-03-15 Published:2014-03-15

摘要: 大窑遗址27号洞于1986年被发掘,共有3个层位包含文化遗物,出土石制品总计520件。本文着重对石制品进行研究,发现27号洞的石制品主体为石片石器组合,存在少量细石核预制产品。石核以单台面为主,尤以将石片腹面作为台面进行剥片的石核最具特色;石器类型有边刮器、锯齿刃器、砍砸器、石球/石锤等。结合石制品类型与堆积性质初步推断,27号洞石制品的年代不早于旧石器时代晚期晚段。

关键词: 打制石器;石片技术;细石核;大窑27号洞;内蒙古

Abstract: The 27th Cave is one of the localities of the Dayao site that was excavated in 1986. It contains four depositional layers, with a total thickness of nearly 2 meters, three of which yielded chipped stone. All of the 520 stone artifacts were manufactured from local chert coming from the outcrops around the site. In terms of the retouched tool inventory, all assemblages from the 27th Cave are clearly flake-based, and there is little variation among the various layers except for two prepared microblade cores in layer 1. Hard-hammer percussion seems to have been the dominant technique for detaching flakes, and the blanks are irregular in shape and size. Retouched tools are typologically and technologically characteristic of the northern Chinese Late Paleolithic. The most abundant retouched tools are side scrapers, most of which are manufactured on relatively flat flakes. Denticulates are the second most common artifact class. Other tool forms, including choppers, spheroids, points, notches, and endscrapers, occur in small numbers. Based on the typology and nature of the sediment, the 27th Cave is suggested to be dated to not earlier than Late Paleolithic.

Key words: Chipping stone; Flake technology; Microblade; Dayao; Inner Mongolia