人类学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (01): 1-16.

• 人类学学报 •    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2017-03-15 发布日期:2017-03-15

A Preliminary Report on 2015’s Excavation at Shixiakou Paleolithic Locality 1 in Gansu Province, North China

REN Jincheng, ZHOU Jing, LI Feng, CHEN Fuyou, GAO Xing   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-15

摘要: 石峡口遗址第1地点位于甘肃省张家川回族自治县川王乡石峡口村,遗址埋藏在清水河右岸一级阶地中。遗址地层分为7层,其中第5、6层中包含丰富的文化遗物,分别命名为第1、2文化层。2015年对该遗址的试掘共发现用火遗迹2处、石制品406件、动物化石201件、古人类牙齿化石1件、串珠装饰品2件以及烧骨、大量的石质碎屑和碎骨等。遗址两个文化层的文化特征基本一致,是一处包含较多细石叶技术产品的遗址。石制品总体以微型、小型居多;原料主要为石英、燧石;细石核类型丰富,除楔形、柱形、锥形外,古人类还直接选用形态不规则的块状毛坯剥离细石叶,显示了熟练的细石叶工艺;普通石片的生产方法主要为硬锤锤击法,偶见砸击法;石器类型包括边刮器、端刮器和两面尖状器等。动物化石比较破碎,经初步鉴定有普氏羚羊、马科、鸵鸟等种类。遗址的年代为17.2~18.5ka cal BP,处于末次盛冰期(LGM),文化时代属于旧石器时代晚期晚段。

关键词: 甘肃;石峡口第1地点;末次盛冰期;细石叶技术

Abstract: The Shixiakou Paleolithic Locality 1 located in the Shixiakou village, Chuanwang Town, Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous Country, Gansu Province, yielded many cultural remains including 2 hearths or related features, 406 stone artifacts, 201 animal fossils, 1 human tooth, 2 beads, as well as some burnt bone fragments and stone debris. This site was buried in situ in the first terrace of the right bank of the Qingshui River. Seven stratigraphic layers were identified from the profile with a total thickness of about 10m. The first three layers and most part of the 4th layer were not excavated. According to the lithology of stratigraphic layers and distribution of cultural remains in the profile, we distinguished two cultural layers which are the 5th and 6th layers, and the stone artifacts of these two cultural layers shared roughly similar technological characteristics. In the meanwhile, the lower part of 4th layer also yielded a few cultural remains. The stone assemblage includes simple cores (n=6), bipolar cores (n=2), flakes (n=97), chunks (n=64), debris (n=129), retouched tools (n=20), microblade cores (n=23), microblades (n=48) and gravels/burnt stones (n=17). Most stone artifacts are mini(<20mm) and small(20~50mm) in size. Quartz and chert are the dominant raw materials, while quartzite, tuff, sandstone, shale, dolomite, trachyte, agate, granite, diabase and lvernite account for small proportion. Microblade cores include many types, such as wedge-shaped cores, cylindrical cores and conical cores, and the occupants of Shixiakou Locality 1 also manufactured microblades using the irregular chunks of quartz without careful preparations. The simple cores were flaked by direct hammer percussion and occasionally by bipolar technique. There are only three types of retouched tools, namely side scrapers, endscrapers and bifacial points. The stone tool assemblage can be considered to be a microblade industry based on typology and the technological features. The major animal fossils are broken pieces, types of which are very simple, including Gazella przewalskyi, Equus and Struthio. The existing AMS14C dates indicate that age of this site is 17.2~18.5ka cal BP, dated into LGM, which also puts the site to the latter stage of Upper Paleolithic.

Key words: Gansu Province; Shixiakou Locality 1; Last Glacial Maximum; Microblade technology