人类学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (01): 27-37.

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  • 出版日期:2017-03-15 发布日期:2017-03-15

A preliminary report on the excavation of the Xiaogou Paleolithic site in Yunxian, Hubei province

ZHAO Hailong, XU Ting, WANG Li, SU Zuowei   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-15

摘要: 肖沟遗址位于湖北省郧阳区安阳镇钟家河村,埋藏于丹江口库区汉江左岸第二级堆积阶地,遗址所在地三面环水,北靠低山。2010年10月-12月对该地点进行抢救性发掘,揭露面积近1500 m~2,出土石制品413件。石制品类型包括石器、石核、石片、断块断片和碎块碎片等。古人类利用河流砾石,就地取材加工石制品;硬锤锤击是主要剥片方法;石制品总体以小型居多,石器主要以石片为毛坯,边刮器为主要类型。石制品特点显示石片工业特点。石制品类型以石片类和断块类为主体,石制品拼合率近10%,是一处原地埋藏的古人类遗址。通过与丹江口库区相关旧石器遗址的比较,结合地貌地层特点,推测该遗址形成于旧石器时代晚期。

关键词: 晚更新世;肖沟遗址;石片石器工业;丹江口库区

Abstract: The Xiaogou Paleolithic site, buried in the second terrace of the left bank of the Hanshui River, is located in the Xiaogou village, Anyang twon, Yunxian County, Hubei Province. The site was excavated from October 22 to December 20, 2010, by the Jilin Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. The excavation exposed an area of about 1500 m2, including two district(A and B) . A total of 413 stone artifacts were unearthed and most of them are from the exploration party T0101 of the B district. The stone assemblage includes cores, flakes, retouched tools, chunks, fragments and debris. Quartzite is the predominant raw material used for making stone artifacts. The principal flaking technique is direct hammer percussion without core preparation. There is a high percentage of flakes, chunks and fragments. Most stone artifacts are small in size. Most blanks for tool fabrication are flakes and retouched tools includes scrapers and drills. The stone assemblage shows close relationships with the Flake Tool Industry of North China. Out of a total of 376 stone artifacts, 16 refitted groups were identified. These sets include 36 elements. The refitting rate is about 10%. The high refitting rate and stone assemblage indicates that the Xiaogou site is an ancient lithic manufacturing workshop And its geochronology should be close to the Upper Pleistocene.

Key words: Late Pleistocene; Xiaogou site; Flake tool industry; Danjiangkou Reservoir region