人类学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (01): 49-61.

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  • 出版日期:2017-03-15 发布日期:2017-03-15

Brief History of Iran Paleolithic Archeology and Discovery of Lower Paleolithic Culture

LIU Tuo   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-15

摘要: 伊朗作为亚洲大陆腹地沟通东西方的大国,对探究旧石器时代早期东亚和西方石器工业面貌的差异,是重要的地理节点。然而伊朗旧石器的材料相对匮乏,外人知之甚少。为方便理解,本文首先介绍了伊朗的自然与政区地理概况,梳理了伊朗一百多年旧石器考察、发掘和研究的时间脉络,在此基础上,对其旧石器时代早期文化的发现与研究现状予以整理。伊朗旧石器的研究程度目前尚低,不宜过早做出结论;从现有证据看,伊朗西部受一定程度的阿舍利传统影响,而东部几乎不见;最后从传播路径的角度,推测了伊朗及周边地区在旧石器时代早期可能的文化图景。

关键词: 伊朗;旧石器时代早期;研究史;综述;阿舍利

Abstract: Iran is a big central Asia country between East and West, which acts as an important geographic point for researching the difference of paleolithic industry between East Asia and the west. But because of the political and historical reasons, the archaeological materials of Iran’s paleolithic age are so few and few Chinese people know about it. We first survey the physical and political geography of Iran, then introduce the brief history of Iran’s one- hundredyear paleolithic investigation, research and excavation, finally organize the current situations of discovery and research of lower paleolithic culture in Iran. We think that the degree of exploration in Iran is low, so we cannot rush to conclusions. From existing evidences, we can see there is a little Acheulian culture in west Iran, non in the east. Last we analyze the transmission of Acheulian culture, look forward to the prospect of Iran paleolithic archaeology.

Key words: Iran; Lower paleolithic culture; Research history; Summary; Acheulian