人类学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (03): 428-441.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2018-09-15 发布日期:2018-09-15

New archaeological developments at the Dingcun Site Group since 2011

WANG Yiren, YUAN Wenming, LAN Huicai, ZHOU Ti, YANG Yuemin, XIA Hongru, REN Haiyun   

  • Online:2018-09-15 Published:2018-09-15

摘要: 丁村遗址是我国一处重要的旧石器时代遗址群,也是我国少数几个几未间断、持续探索的旧石器考古遗址之一。60年来,历经几代人共同努力,丁村遗址的考古与研究取得了较为丰硕的成果。2011年以来我们在丁村遗址群周边进行了深入广泛的考古调查,在柴庄附近和汾河东岸至塔儿山之间的黄土塬区的沟谷梁峁地带发现近百处旧石器地点,并对其中的九龙洞遗址、过水洞遗址和老虎坡遗址进行了连续多年深入细致的考古发掘,发现了老虎坡人类活动营地、过水洞人类生活营地、九龙洞石器打制营地等多个原地埋藏的旧石器时代遗址。为我们进一步认识丁村远古人类的活动范围、生活轨迹及其行为链条提供了极为重要的线索和宝贵资料。在与大崮堆山南坡角页岩基岩出露相通的北涧沟→沙女沟→上庄沟一线的沟谷中发现大量石制品和原地埋藏的人类遗址;而在其他不含角页岩石料的北寨沟和柴村沟中基本没有发现人类活动的迹象;显示了丁村人对角页岩原料的亲近性和依赖性。使我们对丁村遗址一带远古人类的活动范围、行为模式有了进一步了解和认识,同时也说明丁村遗址群的考古工作还有着很长的路要走。

关键词: 丁村遗址群;埋藏环境;生存空间;行为链;拼合研究

Abstract: The Dingcun site group, which has been continuously excavated for decades, is one of the most important Paleolithic areas in China. During the last 60 years, archaeological work at Dingcun has achieved many significant results. Since 2011, the Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology has conducted archaeological surveys around Dingcun, and discovered some 100 Paleolithic sites including Jiulongdong, Guoshuidong and Laohupo. These three sites are located in the loess between the eastern Fen river and the Ta’er mountains. Through excavation, scholars inferred that Laohupo and Guoshuidong sites might have functioned as living camps, and Jiulongdong as a lithic workshop. This new evidence provides us important clues and precious material to better interpret the region and routes as well as activities of early humans. A great number of lithic artifacts and archaeological sites have been uncovered in the valley from (southeast to northwest) Beijian gully, Sha’nv gully to Shangzhuang gully, which connects with the south hill of Dagudui Mountain with exposed hornfels bedrock. In contrast, signs of human activities were scarce in the Beizhai and Chaicun gullies. These geological discoveries clearly indicate the preference and reliance of hornfels as raw materials for the early occupants at Dingcun.

Key words: Dingcun; Taphonomy; Lithics; Refitting