人类学学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (03): 184-258.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2000-09-15 发布日期:2000-09-15

The early pleistocene deposits and mammalian fauna from Renzidong, Fanchang, Anhui province, China

Jin Changzhu, Zheng Longting, Dong Wei, Liu Jinyi, Xu Qinqi, Han Ligang, Zheng Jiajian, Wei Guangbiao, Wang Fazhi   

  • Online:2000-09-15 Published:2000-09-15

摘要: 1998年 ,在安徽繁昌县癞痢山发现了两处洞穴、裂隙堆积。在随后两年中对其中之一的人字洞进行了系统发掘 ,采集到一定数量的石制品、骨制品和属种丰富、生态习性多样的大量脊椎动物化石。人字洞发育于三叠纪灰岩中 ,洞穴堆积物厚约 30米 ,可分为上下两个堆积单元 ,脊椎动物化石和古人类遗物主要产于上堆积单元。经初步研究 ,人字洞动物群包含 67种哺乳动物 ,与我国南、北方第四纪早期的其它主要动物群相比 ,其绝灭属、种比例更高 ,动物群中主要属种的形态特征更原始 ,然而该动物群中真马 ( Equus)的出现 ,表明其地质时代为早更新世早期。这一动物群具有浓郁的北方色彩 ,显示出更新世初期我国境内有一次明显的降温事件 ,促使北方动物大规模向南迁徒 ,在长江以南形成东洋界和古北界动物地理区系交错带的过渡区动物群。人字洞动物群的发现为研究我国第四纪早期动物群的特征和动物地理区系演化及古气候环境变迁提供了重要的信息。

关键词: 安徽繁昌;早更新世早期;古人类文化遗址;动物群

Abstract: The Renzidong site is located at 118°5′46″E and 31°5′23″N , in Fanchang County, Anhui Province, China. Two cave-fissure filling deposits w ere discovered here in 1998. During two years' excavations, some stone artifacts, bone artifacts, and a great variety of vertebrate fossils, including Procynocephalus, were found in situ.
Based on a preliminary identificatin, the vertebrate fossils from Renzidong include turtles, birds and 67 mammal species that are similar to those of the Early pleistocene faunas from other parts of China. The mammal assemblage shows some primitive characters. It consists mainly of extinct forms. The Tertiary relic forms are also numero us such as Homotherium, Sinomastodon, Nestoritherium etc. Micromammals include Beremendia , Hypolagus, Mimomys, Kowaskia, Brachy rhizomys shansius. The large mammals include Pachycrocuta licenti , Equus sanmenensis, Muntiacus nanus, Metacervulus capreolinus, Cervavitus ultimus, Cervus cf. phyilisi etc. They are common members of the Late Tertiary and Early Quaternary mammal faunas in northern China. Some mammals such as Cervuscf. Philisican be compared with those of European villafranchian faunas. 15 species are commonly shared by Renzidong and Wushan fauna. Compared with the other Early Pleistocene faunas from northern and southern China , its percentage of extinct genera and species is relatively higher. On the other hand, the appearance of Equus in the fauna shows that the fauna should be later than 2. 6 Ma. Taken as a whole, the geologicalage of the Renzidong fauna is very likely the Early stage of the Early Pleistocene if 2. 6 Ma is considered as the low er boundary of the Pleistocene as most of the Chinese stratigraphers recommended. The Renzidong fauna is closer to those of northern China. It implies that there should be a cold period in China in the early stage of Early Pleistocene that pushed the northern faunas to migrate southward and made the areas south of Yangtza transitional zone between the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. The discovery of Renzidong fauna is of great help for the study of the environmental background to the hominid evolution, and the evolution of zoogeography and paleoclimate of China in the Quaternary.

Key words: Renzidong , Early Pleistocene, Cave-fissure filling deposits, Mammalian fauna