人类学学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (01): 35-45.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2004-03-15 发布日期:2004-03-15

A styudy on the physical characteristics of Uzbek nationality

ZHENG Lian-bin; CUI Jing; LU Shun-hua; LI Shu-yuan; GuLibanong   

  • Online:2004-03-15 Published:2004-03-15

摘要: 调查了乌孜别克族成年人194例(男106例,女88例)的体质特征,计算出58项测量项目的均值和标准差、31项指数值和6项观察项目的出现率,总结出乌孜别克族的体质特征,并与国内一些群体的体质进行了比较。乌孜别克族的体质特征为:上眼睑皱褶出现率男为99.06%,女为100%。蒙古褶出现率男为82.08%,女为72.73%。鼻根高,鼻翼中等,多为圆形耳垂。特圆头型、高头型、阔面型、狭鼻型、长躯干型、中腿型、宽胸型、窄肩型出现率较高。男阔头型率,女中头型率,男宽骨盆型率,女中骨盆型率较高。男身高1685mm,女身高1555mm。

关键词: 活体观察;活体测量;乌孜别克族

Abstract: The physical characteristics on 194 adults (106 males and 88 females) of Uzbek nationality were investigated. The mean and the standard deviation of 58 items of anthropometry, 31 items of the physical indices and 6 items of somatoscopy percentages were calculated. Physical characteristics of Uzbek nationality were summarized. The comparison were made among the data of Uzbek and some other nationalities in China. The results show that Uzbek nationality have main characteristics as follows.
The eye fold of the upper eyelid is 99.06 %in males and 100 %in females. The Mongoloid fold is observable in 82.08 % and 72.73 % for males and females respectively. The nasal root height is high. The alae nasi is medium size. The ear lobe type is round frequently. Some types of physical characteristics, including hyperbrachycephaly, hypsicephaly, euruprosopy, leptorrhiny, long length of trunk, mesatiskelic type, broad chest circumference and narrow breadth of shoulder are observed in high percentage. Tapeinocephaly and broad distance between iliac crests in males, metriocephaly and medium distance between iliaccrests in females are also shown in high ratio. The average stature is 1 685mm for males and 1 555mm for females.

Key words: Somatoscopy; Anthropometry; Uzbek nationality