人类学学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (01): 47-54.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2004-03-15 发布日期:2004-03-15

Anthropological survery on Tatar nationality in Xinjiang Uygur Antonomous Regions

CUI Jing; ZHENG Lian-bin; SHEN Xin-sheng   

  • Online:2004-03-15 Published:2004-03-15

摘要: 目的 本文调查了新疆奇台塔塔尔族成年居民196人(男102人,女84人),所获资料填补我国民族人类学空白,为人类学提供依据。方法 调查所用的观察和测量方法以吴汝康等[1]编著的《人体测量方法》为准,观察29项,测量86项。结果 新疆塔塔尔族的主要特征是:头圆、高、阔,眼裂开度中等,鼻宽大于两眼内角宽,鼻根较高,面中部水平断面紧收和中等,颧部突出度中等,指距长,体型中等。经比较塔塔尔族体质特征距柯尔克孜族、哈萨克族较接近,而与苗族、满族、黎族距离较远。结论 塔塔尔族体质特征与新疆地区民族距离较近,与南方地区民族较远。

关键词: 活体观察;活体测量;塔塔尔族;体质调查

Abstract: Object An anthropological study of 102 males and 84 females was made on Tatar nationality aged 20 to 58 in Qitai county, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in May, 1999. The informa-tion can provide reference to anthropology. Methods The morphological investigation is based on Wu Rukang' s method of anthropometry. Results The physical characters of Tatar nationality: The ce-phalic index belongs to hyperbrachycephaly, hypsicephaly and tapeinocephaly. The morphological facial index belongs to euryprosopy. The breadth of eye aperture belongs to middle type. The nose breadth is larger than interocular breadth between endocanthions. Nasal root height is high. The nasal index belongs to leptorrhiny. The armstretch is long. Conclusion Tatar nationality is most closely related to Kirgiz, Kazak nationalities living in Xinjiang, and it is remotely related to the Miao, Man, Li nationalities.

Key words: Somatoscopy; Anthropometry; Tatar nationality; Anthropology