人类学学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (01): 55-60.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2004-03-15 发布日期:2004-03-15

Study on geographical differnce of male youth somatatypes among different areas in China

SHANG Lei; XU Yong-yong; DU Xiao-han   

  • Online:2004-03-15 Published:2004-03-15

摘要: 目的分析我国不同地区男性青年体型发育现状和地区差异。方法采用大样本抽样调查的方法,对全国31个省(市、自治区)100个县(区)72000名男性应征青年的体格状况进行调查。按胸围身高指数、肩宽身高指数、坐高身高指数、躯干腿长指数、皮弗氏指数的马丁分类标准,将所有对象分为不同体型,采用SPSS110软件进行统计分析。结果各体型指数及不同体型的检出率在不同地区之间存在显著差异(P<0.05) , 窄胸型的检出率为 78.5%, 华北地区胸阔较宽, 中南和西南地区的最窄;阔肩型的检出率 为 68.3%, 华东地区肩较宽, 西北地区最窄;全国长躯干的检出率为 70.8%, 华东地区躯干较长, 华北地区 最短;亚长腿和长腿型的检出率分别为 35.9 %和 45.7%, 华东地区青年腿短, 华北地区腿长;瘦长型、中间 型、矮胖型体型的检出率分别为 50.3 %、42.9 %和 6.8%, 南方较北方消瘦, 乡村较城市消瘦, 西南地区瘦长 型的检出率最高为 60.1%, 华北地区矮胖型的检出率最高为 2.9%。 宽肩窄胸的检出率为 50.9%, 长躯干 亚短腿的检出率为 32.5%, 长躯干中腿型的检出率为 28.0 %。 结论 我国青年总体属宽肩、窄胸、亚长腿 或长腿、瘦长或中间体型, 各地青年的体型存在明显差别, 南方青年较北方青年更消瘦;乡村青年较城市青 年更显消瘦。 应进一步研究不同地区不同的地理环境、气候、经济对青少年体型的影响。

关键词: 体型;地区差异;男性青年

Abstract: The present status and geographic difference of somatotypes in Chinese male youth in different areas were studied in present article. The data were collected from 100 districts in 31 provinces in China.Totally 72000 subjects aged 17—21 years were measured, according to Martin-Saller's method chest circumference index, shoulder breadth index, sitting height index, Manouvrier's skelic index, Pig-net-Vervaeck index of all the subjects were classified into different somatotype' s groups according to Mantin-Saller' s standard. The results were compared among different areas, all the analysis were carried out by using SPSS11. 0 program. There were significant differences in the five indexes mean and different somatotype detecting rate among different areas (P <0.01). Narrow thorax occurred in 78.5 % cases of male Chinese youth, thorax of male youth in north-China was broader, those of south-middle and south-west were narrower compared with others. Broad shoulder was present in 68.3 % cases of male Chinese youth, shoulder of male youth in east-China was broader, north-west was narrower. Long truck was 70.8 %, male youth' struck length in east-China was the longest, but in north-east was the shortest among six areas. Fregueucies of occurence of submakroskelic type and makroakelic type were 35.9 % and 45.7 % respectively. Relative to other areas, leg length of male youth in east-China was shorter, north-China' s was longer.Frequencies of occurrence of gangling type, medium type and stocky type were 50.3 %、42.9 % and 6.8 % respectively, youth in south was thinner than those in north, rural youth was thinner than urban' s, Frequency of occurrence of gangling type in south-west was 60.1 %, stocky type in north-China was 2.9 %, these were the highest among different areas. Frequence of oc-currence of broad shoulder and narrow thorax type was 50.9 %, that of long truck and subbrachyskelic type was 32.5 %, that of long truck and brachyskelic type was 28.0 %. In sum, we found that the basic characteristics of male youth' s body type in China were the type of broad shoulder, narrow thorax, subbrachyskelic or brachyskelic type and gangling or medium type of body. There were significant differences in male youth's somatotypes, youth in south were thinner than those in north, rural youth were thinner than urban's. Influence of geographical environment, climate, economic status on adolescents' somatotypes should be further studied.

Key words: Somatotypes; Geographical difference; Male youth