人类学学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (01): 26-31.

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徐钦琦; 金昌柱; 郑龙亭; 刘武; 董为; 刘金毅; 孙承凯; 吕锦燕   

  • 出版日期:2009-03-15 发布日期:2009-03-15

On paleogeography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology in the Jinpendong Site

XU Qin-qi; JIN Chang-zhu; ZHENG Long-ting; LIU Wu; DONG Wei; LIU Jin-yi; SUN Cheng-kai; LU Jin-yan   

  • Online:2009-03-15 Published:2009-03-15

摘要: 2004年金盆洞遗址被第二次发掘。新的化石材料表明,金盆洞产有8目18科25属31种的化石。金盆洞动物群的地质时代为中更新世的最晚期, 相当于MIS6,或欧洲的RISS冰期, 或世界上的倒数第二次冰期。这个动物群既展示了森林环境, 也展示了灌木丛林和草原环境。长江以南的茂密的丛林阻碍了江南各哺乳动物群之间的交流。

关键词: 金盆洞遗址; 中更新世; 倒数第二次冰期; 哺乳动物群

Abstract: The Jinpendong site was excavated again in 2004. The new fossils discovered in the site indicate that there are 8 orders, 18 families, 25 genera and 31 species altogether. The Jinpendong fauna represents the latest stage of the Middle Pleistocene, corresponding to the MIS 6, or equivalent to the Riss Glaciation in Europe, or the penultimate glacial period in the world. The fauna suggests an ecological environment of forests of short trees with some limited shrubbery and grassland. The exchange between mammalian faunas was obstructed by the dense forests in South China.

Key words: Jinpendong site; Middle Pleistocene; Penultimate glacial period; Mammalian faunas