人类学学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (02): 137-143.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄胜敏; 刘扬; 黄鑫; 黄明扬; 刘康体; 黄锋; 严建国   

  • 出版日期:2012-06-15 发布日期:2012-06-15

A primary report on the excavation of the Liuhe site in Bose Basin, Guangxi, South China

HUANG Sheng-min; LIU Yang; HUANG Xin; HUANG Ming-yang; LIU Kang-ti; HUANG Feng; YAN Jian-guo   

  • Online:2012-06-15 Published:2012-06-15

摘要: 六合遗址位于百色盆地右江南岸第4级阶地上, 于2005年6月至11月进行了抢救性发掘, 揭露面积1000㎡。遗址地层分为5层, 其中第①、②和③层为次生堆积, 第④层为原生的网纹红土, 第⑤层为砾石层。本次发掘出土71件文化遗物, 包括磨制石器2件、打制石器69件; 此外还发现1件玻璃陨石。打制石器以大型和中型为主, 包括石核、石片、工具、断块等, 以断块居多; 工具类型有砍砸器和手镐。石制品原料采自遗址附近第4级阶地砾石层, 有石英岩、角砾岩、细砂岩、硅质岩、中砂岩和石英, 以石英岩为主。根据出土的玻璃陨石, 并结合地层、石制品特征比较, 六合遗址打制石器的年代可能为中更新世早期。

关键词: 百色; 六合遗址; 石制品; 中更新世早期

Abstract: The ?Liuhe ?site, ?located? on ?the? fourth? terrace ?of? the ?Youjiang ?River,? was ?excavated? from? June? to? November,? 2005,? which? was? a? salvage? archeological? project? for? the? anticipated? construction ?of ?the ?Bose-Nanning? Expressway.? The? excavations? exposed ?an ?area ?of ?1000㎡. A? total? of? 72? relics? were? discovered,? including? 2? neoliths,? 69? paleoliths? and? 1? tektite.? The? paleoliths? include? cores(N=4),? flakes(N=5),? tools(N=14)? and? chunks(N=46).? The? tools? appear? with? choppers(N=12) and? picks(N=2).? Lithic ?raw ?materials? of ?the ?industry? were ?exploited ?locally? from? ancient? riverbeds.? Quartzite(53.61%),? breccia(18.82%),? fine? Sandstone(7.37%),? silicolites? (5.80%),? medium? Sandstone(2.90%) ?and? Quartz(1.45%)? were ?utilized ?in? core? reduction? and ?tool? manufacture,? with? Quartzite ?the ?predominant ?type.? Blanks ?for ?tool ?fabrication? are ?pebbles.? Most? of? the ?stone ?artifacts? are? large ?and? middle? in? size,? and? modified? by ?direct ?hammer ?percussion.?The? stone? tool? assemblage? of? the? Liuhe? site? shows? close? association? with? the? lithic? industry? in? Bose.? Geomorphological ?and? chronological ?comparison? with ?other ?sites ?in? Bose ?Basin ?indicates ?that? the? age? of ?the ?paleoliths ?of ?Liuhe? site?s hould? be?close ?to ?the? early? Middle? Pleistocene.?

Key words: Bose ?basin;?Liuhe? site;?Stone ?artifacts;?Early ?Middle? Pleistocene