人类学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (03): 274-279.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


张银运; 吴秀杰; 刘武   

  • 出版日期:2013-09-15 发布日期:2013-09-15

An examination of European racial characters in ancient populations from Northwestern China

ZHANG Yin-yun; WU Xiu-jie; LIU Wu   

  • Online:2013-09-15 Published:2013-09-15

摘要: 位于中国西北部的新疆、甘肃、青海、宁夏是东亚与欧洲交汇的地区。一般认为生活在这一区域的古代人群与欧洲人群发生过融合或基因交流。但学术界对欧洲人群进入中国, 与中国古代人群发生混合与基因交流的时间、可能的扩散路线, 以及对中国现代人群形成的影响等具体细节还不是很清楚。本文对3800-1200年前生活在新疆、青海、宁夏, 以及河南安阳殷墟11个古代人群头骨呈现的欧洲人种特征进行了检测, 结果表明: 1)至少在2000-3000年前, "西方基因"已经在我国多个地区人群中存在; 2)这些"西方基因"是经由新疆向东流向内地的; 3)考古学和形态学上的证据显示欧洲人种的人群大规模地向东扩展在汉代之前的地理界限大致是在新疆的东部和甘肃的西部之间。本文所示的欧洲人种特征的出现情况, 并不受这种地理和时代的制约。

关键词: 古代人群; 欧洲人种特征; “西方基因”

Abstract: To detect possible gene flow from western Eurasia, European racial characters are examined and the mean rates of occurrence are calculated for each of 11 cranial samples from China. The results show that: 1)western genes appeared in Chinese populations as early as 2000- 3000 years BP; 2)it is through the Xinjaing region that the western gene flow spread eastward and into central China; 3) archaeological and morphological evidence shows that the racial advance limited to eastern Xinjiang and western Gansu before the Qin and Han Dynasty. In contrast, this study indicates that there were no such limitations of geography and dynasty in the movement of European racial characters.

Key words: Racial characters; West gene