人类学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (01): 38-48.

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  • 出版日期:2017-03-15 发布日期:2017-03-15

The Application of Three-dimensional Reconstruction Technology in Llithic Analysis

ZHOU Zhenyu, GUAN Ying   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-15

摘要: 三维重建技术已广泛应用于考古发掘、研究、展示等各个领域。通过对石制品的三维重建,可以帮助我们获取更加精准的数据信息,一些过去只能估算的测量指标得以精准化,由此催生出许多新的研究方法。本文回顾了十几年来三维重建方法在石器分析研究中的实例,如石制品的表面积、体积测量,台面、砾石面/人工面、片疤的精确数值获取,以及三维空间中打击方向、角度的判定等等,有效推动了石制品的深入研究。不同的三维重建技术各有优劣,多视角三维重建技术不受设备、场地、人员技术要求的限制,能够快速、准确地建立石制品的三维模型,并且获取如面积、体积、角度等通常难以准确测量的数据信息,其生成的点云、数字高程模型、正射影像图等还可以导入其他软件拓展使用。该技术的诸多优点,使其可以成为旧石器考古发掘、研究的日常工具。

关键词: 旧石器时代;石器分析;多角度三维重建;精确测量

Abstract: Three-dimensional reconstruction technology has been widely applied in various fields of archaeological excavation and research. Through the three-dimensional reconstruction of stone artifacts, more accurate and objective data can be obtained, inspiring many new researchmethods and perspectives. Among these applications, Multi-view 3D Reconstruction (MVR) technology does not require professional equipment and techniques. Instead, all data collection can be accomplished with a digital camera and a computer. MVR technology has the benefits of easy operation, lower cost, and high precision. We can obtain precise values for cortex area, flake scars, specimen volume, knapping orientation, angle of points, and so on, through the three-dimensional model generated by Agisoft Photoscan software. Data such as the dense cloud file, model file, digital elevation model (DEM), or orthophoto can also be imported into other software to expand the research. Considering the advantages of this technology, we could adopt it as a commonly used tool for both archaeological excavation and research.

Key words: Paleolithic; Three-dimensional reconstruction; Multi-view; Precise measurement