人类学学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (03): 514-522.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0055cstr: 32091.14.j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0055

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  1. 首都师范大学历史学院,北京 100089
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-11 修回日期:2021-04-15 出版日期:2022-06-15 发布日期:2022-06-16
  • 作者简介:李文成,博士,主要从事旧石器时代考古学研究。Email: liwencheng@cnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Experimental analysis on flaking of discoidal cores and its application in understanding the flake tool industry in North China

LI Wencheng()   

  1. School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089
  • Received:2020-12-11 Revised:2021-04-15 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-16



关键词: 实验, 盘状石核, 剥片, 石片石器


The discoidal core characterized by the bifacial centripetal flaking method has played an essential role in the Chinese Paleolithic. This research focused on the long-term coexistence of discoidal and amorphous cores in Flake Tool Industry discovered in Northern China, and highlighted the differences between flakes produced by these two different methods. As a result, this study shows that three indexes can be used to distinguish the two methods: platform type, dorsal scar direction, and the proportion of flakes retaining the edge of the core platform. This study also implies technological analysis on flake is important to understand the reductional strategy of the Flake Tool Industry in North China.

Key words: Experiment, Discoidal core, Flaking, Flake tool industry
