人类学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (02): 288-303.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2022.0046cstr: 32091.14.j.1000-3193/AAS.2022.0046
李三灵,博士研究生,主要从事旧石器时代考古学研究。E-mail: 基金资助:
李三灵. 旧石器时代早中期刻划遗存的发现与研究[J]. 人类学学报, 2023, 42(02): 288-303.
LI Sanling. Discovery and research of the engraved remains in the early and middle Paleolithic periods[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2023, 42(02): 288-303.
图1 中国发现的刻划遗存 1、2.出自灵井许昌人遗址(图片引自文献[2])From Lingjing Site (Images cited from Li ZY, et al. 2019);3.出自水洞沟遗址第1地点(图片改自文献[3])From Shuidonggou locality 1(Image adapted from Peng F, et al. 2012);4-7.出自周口店第1地点(图片引自文献[8])From Zhoukoudian locality 1 (Images cited from Pei WC, 1933);8.出自兴隆洞遗址(图片引自文献[10])From Xinglongdong Cave (Images cited from Gao X, et al. 2003)
Fig.1 Engravings found in China
图2 非洲发现的赭石刻划遗存 1~3、7、10. 出自布隆伯斯洞穴(图片由Christopher S. Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico提供)From Blombos Cave (Images courtesy of Christopher Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico);4.出自克莱因·克利普惠斯遗址(图片改自文献[19])From Klein Kliphuis (Image Adapted from Mackay A and Welz A, 2008);5、6、9.出自西布都洞穴(图片改自文献[21])From Sibudu Cave (Images Adapted from Hodgskiss T, 2014);8.出自克拉西斯河1号洞穴(图片由Francesco d’Errico提供)From Klasies River Cave 1 (Images courtesy of Francesco d’Errico)
Fig.2 The engraved ochers found in Africa
图3 非洲发现的鸵鸟蛋壳刻划遗存 1~10.出自迪普洛夫岩厦遗址(图片改自文献[5])From Dieploof Rock Shelter (Images adapted from Texier P-J, et al. 2010);11、12. 出自阿波罗11号遗址(图片改自文献[24])From Apollo 11 Rockshelter (Images adapted from Vogelsang R, et al. 2010);13-18. 出自克里普利夫特岩厦遗址(图片由Christopher S. Henshilwood提供)From Klipdrift Shelter (Images courtesy of Christopher S. Henshilwood)
Fig.3 The engraved ostrich eggshell fragments found in Africa
图4 非洲发现的动物骨骼刻划遗存 1, 5-6, 8-9.出自布隆伯斯洞穴From Blombos Cave; 2, 4, 10.出自克拉西斯河1a号洞穴From Klasies River Cave 1a; 3.出自克拉西斯河1号洞穴From Klasies River Cave 1; 7.出自西布都洞穴From Sibudu Cave; 标本1-6和8-10的图片由Christopher S. Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico提供Images 1-6 and 8-10 courtesy of Christopher S. Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico; 标本7的图片改自文献[28] Image 7 adapted from Cain CR, 2004
Fig.4 The engraved bones found in Africa
图5 欧洲发现的刻划遗存 标本1-13依次出自塔塔遗址(图片引自文献[35])、佩什图里纳洞穴(图片由Ana Majki?提供)、基克·科巴洞穴(图片由Ana Majki?提供)、艾因霍恩洞穴(图片改自文献[39])、克拉皮纳遗址(图片改自文献[38])、巴乔·基罗遗址(图片改自文献[4])、拉费拉西遗址(图片改自文献[37])、特姆纳塔·杜普卡遗址(图片改自文献[40])、阿克斯洛岩厦遗址(图片引自文献[41])、科扎尔尼卡洞穴(图片改自文献[29])、比尔辛斯莱本遗址(图片改自文献[30])、戈汉姆洞穴(图片改自文献[32])和驯鹿洞(图片由Francesco d’Errico提供)。
Fig.5 Engravings found in Europe Specimens 1-13 are successively from Tata (Image cited from Bednarik RG, 1995), Pe?turina Cave (Image courtesy of Ana Majki?), Kiik-Koba Cave (Image courtesy of Ana Majki?), Einhornh?hle (Image adapted from Leder D, et al. 2021), Krapina (Image adapted from Frayer DW, et al. 2006), Bacho kiro (Image adapted from Shaham D, 2019), La Ferrassie (Image adapted from Zilh?o J, 2007), Temnata Dupka (Image adapted from Crémades M, et al. 1995), Axlor Rockshelter (Image cited from García-Diez M, et al. 2013), Kozarnika Cave(Image adapted from Sirakov N, et al. 2010), Blizingsleben (Images adapted from Mania D and Mania U, 2005), Gorham’s Cave (Image adapted from Rodríguez-Vidal J, et al. 2014) and Grotte du Renne (Image courtesy of Francesco d’Errico).
图6 其他地区发现的刻划遗存 1.出自马·塔里克遗址(图片由Jacques Jaubert提供)From Mar-Tarik (Images courtesy of Jacques Jaubert);2.出自卡夫泽洞穴(图片由Erella Hovers提供)From Qafzeh Cave (Images courtesy of Erella Hovers);3.出自特里尼尔遗址(图片改自文献[51])From Trinil (Images adapted from Joordens JCA, et al. 2015);4、5.出自库奈特拉遗址(图片4和5a由Gabi Laron拍摄,由Dana Shaham提供;图片5b由Christopher S. Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico提供)From Quneitra (Images 4 and 5a by Gabi Laron and courtesy of Dana Shaham. Image 5b courtesy of Christopher S. Henshilwood & Francesco d’Errico)
Fig.6 Engravings found in other parts of the Old World
图7 刻划图案类型示意图 1.平行或近平行Parallel or sub-parallel lines;2.“之”字形Zigzag;3.十字相交Cross shaped form;4.叠置的“V”形Stacked chevrons;5.同心弧线与放射线组合Concentric arcs combine with radial lines;6.同心弧线Concentric arcs;7.扇形fan shaped motif;8.交叉影线状Cross-hatched design;9.影线条带状Hatched band motif;10.曲线与中线相交Curved lines that cross a central line;11.菱形Diamond shaped pattern
Fig.7 Schematic diagram of the engraving pattern
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