人类学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (03): 392-404.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0014

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


成楠1,2(), 夏文婷3, 杨青1,2(), 吉学平4,5, 字兴6, 范斌6, 邹梓宁1, 余童2, 张俞1, 石林1, 张吾奇2, 郑洪波1   

  1. 1.云南省地球系统科学重点实验室,云南大学,昆明 650093
    2.云南省教育厅数字人文技术研发与应用重点实验室,云南大学历史与档案学院,昆明 650032
    3.云南师范大学历史与行政学院,昆明 650500
    4.中国科学院昆明动物研究所昆明动物博物馆,昆明 650201
    5.云南省文物考古研究所,昆明 650118
    6.巍山县文物管理所,巍山 672400
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-05 修回日期:2023-10-18 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-04
  • 通讯作者: 杨青,副教授,主要研究方向为过去全球变化与人类活动。E-mail: yangqing@ynu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:成楠,硕士研究生,主要从事淀粉粒和环境考古研究。E-mail: chengnanzzz@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Stone artifacts, age and environment of the Sanhe Cave locality in Weishan, Yunnan

CHENG Nan1,2(), XIA Wenting3, YANG Qing1,2(), JI Xueping4,5, ZI Xing6, FAN Bin6, ZOU Zining1, YU Tong2, ZHANG Yu1, SHI Lin1, ZHANG Wuqi2, ZHENG Hongbo1   

  1. 1. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Earth System Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650093
    2. Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Digital Humanities Technology Research and Development and Application, School of History and Archives, Yunnan University, Kunming 650032
    3. School of History and Administration, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500
    4. Natural History Museum of Zoology Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201
    5. Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Kunming 650118
    6. Weishan Institute of Cultural Relics, Weishan 672400
  • Received:2023-05-05 Revised:2023-10-18 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-04
  • Supported by:
    Queensland-Chinese Academy of Sciences Collaborative Science Fund(045GJHZ2023001MI);Queensland-Chinese Academy of Sciences Collaborative Science Fund(QCAS036)


云南独特的地理和气候特点为史前人类演化与发展提供了良好的自然条件。通过对云南巍山云岭横断山脉南延部分发现的三鹤洞地点进行试掘,在地层中发现丰富的动物骨骼,且数量从早到晚有逐渐增多的趋势;AMS 14C测年结果表明,该地点文化层时代属于旧石器时代晚期;孢粉分析结果表明,研究区域MIS 3早期以针叶林为主,含有一定量铁杉,林下生长水龙骨科和凤尾蕨等蕨类植物晚期植被仍然以针叶林为主,林下草本植物增多,气候温和湿润;对探沟内出土和地表采集的共15件石制品进行分析,表明该地点为简单的石核-石片技术体系,与华南地区旧石器时代晚期的砾石石器传统较为接近。综合分析结果表明,MIS 3阶段气候温和湿润,三鹤洞古人类活动逐渐增强,动物性食物是三鹤洞地点古人类重要的食物来源;MIS 2寒冷期人类活动中断,说明末次冰期气候波动引起的生态环境变化对古人类活动有较大影响。三鹤洞地点的发现和综合研究对于探讨旧石器时代晚期西南地区古人类的环境适应策略能提供重要参考。

关键词: 古环境, 云南, 三鹤洞, 旧石器晚期, 孢粉


The distinctive geographical and climatic attributes of Yunnan create advantageous natural circumstances for the evolution and advancement of prehistoric human populations.The investigation of paleoenvironmental conditions at the Sanhedong Locality, situated in the southern region of the Yunling Hengduan Mountain Range in Weishan, Yunnan Province, aims to examine the correlation between alterations in the environment and human behavior.The test excavations conducted in the Sanhedong Locality revealed a significant presence of animal bones within the stratigraphic layers. Furthermore, it was observed that the quantity of animal bones exhibited a progressive rise from earlier to later periods; AMS 14C results indicate that the Locality belongs to the Upper Paleolithic; The findings from the analysis of pollen indicate that during the early stage of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) in the examined region, coniferous forests were the prevailing vegetation type, characterized by a notable presence of hemlock. Additionally, fern species such as Polypodiaceae and Pteris were observed in the understory. In the later stage, coniferous forests continued to dominate, but there was an increase in the abundance of understory herbs. The prevailing climate during this period was characterized by mildness and humidity. The lithic study reveals that a combined total of 15 stone artifacts, recovered from both the test trench and the ground surface, have similarities with the core-flake industry. This industry is closely associated with the gravel stone tradition observed during the Upper Paleolithic period in South China. According to the exhaustive research, the climate during MIS 3 was mild and humid, and the number of ancient human activities in the Sanhedong Locality gradually rose over time. In addition, the ancient people who lived in the Sanhedong Locality relied heavily on the meat and other products of animals as a primary source of food, whereas there was an interruption in human activity during the cold phase of MIS 2, demonstrating that the alteration of the ecological environment that was brought on by the variability in climate during the last glacial epoch had a significant impact on the activities of ancient humans. The finding of the Sanhedong Locality and the subsequent exhaustive study of it can give an essential reference for the investigation of the environmental adaption tactics utilized by ancient people in the Southwest China region during the Upper Paleolithic period.

Key words: Paleoenvironment, Yunnan, Sanhe Cave, Upper paleolithic, Pollen
