人类学学报 ›› 1999, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03): 225-239.

• 人类学学报 • 上一篇    



  • 出版日期:1999-09-15 发布日期:1999-09-15

1998 excavation of the Xiaochangliang site at Yangyuan, Hebei

Chen Chun, Shen Chen, Chen Wanyong, Tang Yingjun   

  • Online:1999-09-15 Published:1999-09-15

摘要: 1998年小长梁遗址发掘采用了全球定位系统进行地理定位。埋藏学分析显示石制品与动物骨骼分布为水动力短距离搬运沉积的特点。动物骨骼有食肉类啃咬, 植物根系腐蚀, 水流冲刷以及可能的石制品切割痕迹。石料打制实验与电脑分析表明, 石料质地裂隙发育和易碎的性质对小长梁石工业废片率高以及石制品尺寸较小的特点有明显的制约作用。

关键词: 小长梁遗址GPS定位;埋藏学分析;石料打制实验

Abstract: Xiaochangliang is one of the earliest paleolithic sites so far found in China and in East Asia as well. The chronology and scientific significance of the site have been addressed by the works of both Chinese and American archaeologists at the Nihewan Basin in last twenty years. The field work carried out during the summer season in 1998 set forth two goals. One was to search for the paleo-surface or the living floor of the site. The other was to make a preliminary observation and comparison of dimentional distribution of debitage between archaeological and experimental samples in order to provide our colleagues with an explanation why the Xiao chang liang lithic artifacts were characterized by extremely irregularity in form and small in size.
GPS was employed to pinpoint the previous test squares and the site datum, and to measure the distance between different localities and nearby archaeological sites. The 4× 4 m test squares selected in this field season were located at the Locality A. The cultural layer is about 0. 8 m thick, which is mainly composed by light gray sandy silt and mixed with several coarse sandy bars in orange color.
The excavation yielded 901 lithic artifacts and 3291 faunal remains. The lithic industry consists of mainly debitage and debris. The faunal remains are extremely fragmental including teeth identified belonging to Coelodonta antiquitatis, Paleoeloxodon sp. , Hipparion sp. , Bison sp. , Viv vera sp. , Felidae etc.
Taphonomic examination reveals that lithic and faunal remains were secondary deposit which had been transported by water. Mammalian bones show various traces and marks modified by water, carnivore teeth, plant roots, and probably stone artifacts.
Sedimentary feature indicates a perilacustrine floodplain and tributary environment. The paleo-surface or living floor, although was not found this time, might have been situated in the far south of the site if it did exist.
Six flint nodules collected in situ were seleted to conduct flintknapping experiment. The experimental products was compared with the archaeological collection by computer in order to make sure whether the small size of the lithic industry had been caused by the quality of raw material or artisan 's intention. The raw materials at Xiao chang liang are mainly local fine-grained “ cherty” rock or qaurtzite in various colors. The outcrops of raw materials can be found at several spots below the Nihew an Formation and at the Fenghuangshan to the east of the site. The shattering characteristics o f these local raw materials were the principal cause of high percentage of debitage and debris observed in both archaeological collection and experiment.
The excavation and analysis were trying to offer an example by using advanced techniques and methods such as GPS, computerized potting , taphonomy and flintknapping experiment in order to learn more about hominid behavior and their paleoenvironment during the early Pleistocene in the Nihewan Basin, North China. The next step of the study will be followed by in-depth study of lithic and faunal analyses including usewear, refitting and taphonomic observation etc.

Key words: GPS at Xiaochanliang , Taphonomic analysis, Flintknappin experiment