
  • 陈胜前 ,
  • 叶灿阳
  • 中国人民大学历史学院考古文博系,北京 100872
陈胜前(1972-),男,湖北省嘉鱼县人,中国人民大学历史学院考古文博系教授,主要从事考古学理论、史前考古、石器分析等方面的研究。E-mail: csq@ruc.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2019-05-09

  修回日期: 2019-08-24

  网络出版日期: 2020-09-10



Theoretical retrospection on the origin of microblade technology

  • Shengqian CHEN ,
  • Canyang YE
  • Department of Archaeology and Museology, School of History, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872

Received date: 2019-05-09

  Revised date: 2019-08-24

  Online published: 2020-09-10




陈胜前 , 叶灿阳 . 细石叶工艺起源研究的理论反思[J]. 人类学学报, 2019 , 38(04) : 547 -562 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0060


The origin of microblade technology(MT) is a hot issue in Paleolithic archaeology of China. Although there is a significant increase in discoveries and research about MT, the theoretical basis has not been fully explored yet. This work reexamined the fundamental concepts related to MT, clarified the assumptions about the studies on the origin of MT, and analyzed the innate problems in them. It suggests that the explanation from diffusionism cannot sufficiently answer the question the origin of MT. Meanwhile, the emergence of MT does not equate with the origins of technological factors that compose of MT, since these factors could have appeared in different periods and areas. Furthermore, we cannot separate the emergence of MT from the discussion of the general mechanism in the changes of lithic technologies. Finally, we should be aware of the unavoidable restrain from paradigm in which researchers situate themselves. In the future we should be clear on the limit of paradigm and the assumptions on which research is made, and expand the boundary of our exploration.


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