收稿日期: 2020-04-08
修回日期: 2020-07-07
网络出版日期: 2020-09-11
An analysis of the starch grains from the Zhangwangzhuang site of early Yangshao culture
Received date: 2020-04-08
Revised date: 2020-07-07
Online published: 2020-09-11
易文文 , 魏兴涛 , 杨玉璋 , 姚凌 , 蓝万里 , 张小虎 , 张居中 . 河南舞阳张王庄遗址仰韶早期先民食物的淀粉粒分析[J]. 人类学学报, 2021 , 40(05) : 867 -878 . DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2020.0032
The western Huanghuai Plain is a transitional zone of archeological cultures and agricultural models between the south and north China during the Neolithic period. In recent years, great progress has been made on archaeobotany in this area. However, the situation about human plant food resources and agricultural development during the early Yangshao culture in this area are still not well understood. The Zhangwangzhuang(ZWZ) site, located at the Wuyang County, Henan Province is a Neolithic archaeological site which date belongs to the early Yangshao culture. In this paper, 54 pottery sherds and 13 stone tools from the ZWZ site are studied by using starch grain analysis. The experimental results indicate that two kinds of dryland crops originated from the north China, foxtail millet (Setariaitalica) and broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), have spread to the low-latitude areas of western Huanghuai Plain no later than 6000 years ago, and then, together with the locally grown rice (Oryza sative), the mixed farming of rice and millets formed in the whole western Huanghuai area. Notably, in addition to the three above crops, ancient people of the ZWZ site also utilized many kinds of wild plant food such as Triticeae, Coix, Nelumbo nuciferaand Trichosantheskirilowii. To understand the importance of different kinds of plant food in human diet, the ubiquity analysis is conducted in this paper and the result show that wild plant foods still dominated in ZWZ people’s life although the early agriculture has been greatly developed during the early Yangshao culture in the western Huanghuai Plain. This paper provides the scientific evidence for understanding the utilization of plant food resources and the development of agriculture during the early Yangshao period in the western Huanghuai Plain for the first time, which is also of great value to understand the specific Spatio-temporal process of prehistoric crop spreading and agricultural structure evolution in the western part of the Huanghuai area.
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