收稿日期: 2019-07-29
网络出版日期: 2022-02-15
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类: XDB26000000);国家自然科学基金项目(41977379)
A report of the trial excavation of the Liulinling Paleolithic site in the Bose Basin
Received date: 2019-07-29
Online published: 2022-02-15
本文是对2018年广西百色六林岭旧石器遗址试掘结果的报道。试掘共开7个探方(面积28 m2)和1条探沟,可见9层堆积,从两个层位共获得石制品182件(其中地层出土40件,采集142件)。虽然两个文化层石制品在埋藏和保存状况上存在明显差异,但属于同一个技术传统。石制品分为备料、石锤、石核、石片、断块和石器;石器包括砍砸器、手镐和刮削器。在第一文化层发现了与石制品伴生的玻璃陨石碎片,初步推测其年代为803 kaBP,尚不排除二次堆积的可能;第二文化层在第一文化层之下,年代要早于第一文化层,表明古人类在百色盆地持续活动了相当长的一段时间;两个文化层显示出不同的沉积环境,表明古人类在百色盆地生存环境的复杂性和多样性。
高立红 , 侯亚梅 , 黄秋艳 , 李金燕 , 陆正勤 , 黄德奖 . 百色盆地六林岭旧石器遗址试掘报告[J]. 人类学学报, 2022 , 41(01) : 135 -147 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0024
This paper is a preliminary report of one test excavation and study of stone artifacts from work at the Liulinling Paleolithic site of Bose Basin in 2018. Liulinling Site (23°36′53′′N, 107°01′5′′E) is located in the Baidu village, Tiandong county, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The excavation revealed an area of 28 m2 (excluding trenches), and 9 stratigraphic layers were identified. Totally 182 stone artifacts were obtained, of which 40 were unearthed from two culture layers. The stone artifacts include manuports, cores, stone hammers, flakes, tools and fragments. The flaking technique was direct hard hammer percussion. Tool types include choppers, picks and scrapers. In the first cultural layer, a piece of tektite fragment was uncovered along with the stone artifacts. It still need more work to confirm that if it belongs to deposit in situ. The second cultural layer is below the first one, its age can be primarily estimated as 803 kaBP at latest. This suggests that the time when ancient human appeared in the Bose basin is as early as 803 kaBP and lived here for a longer time. The different depositional environments of the two cultural layers indicates the complexity and diversity of adaptation of ancient human here.
Key words: Bose basin; Liulinling; Stone artifacts; Early Paleolithic
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