收稿日期: 2020-07-01
修回日期: 2021-01-20
网络出版日期: 2022-04-13
Analysis on the economic mode of the ancestors of Dayindong cave site in Yunnan province by stable isotope
Received date: 2020-07-01
Revised date: 2021-01-20
Online published: 2022-04-13
农业的起源和传播是人类历史上最重要的变革之一。本文通过对云南省文山州广南县大阴洞遗址出土的17例人骨标本的C、N稳定同位素分析,探索新石器时代晚期至青铜时代,滇东南地区先民的食物结构和生业经济。结果显示,大阴洞遗址居民的δ13C值范围为-20.2‰ ~ -17.5‰,主要以C3类食物为主;δ15N值范围为9.2‰ ~ 10.7‰,所处的营养级别较高;两性之间存在食谱差异,大部分男性比女性摄入更多的动物蛋白。结合相关考古发现,大阴洞遗址居民可能主要经营稻作农业,兼营狩猎;对动物资源的利用可能具有多样性,并通过采集、渔猎及家畜饲养补充食物来源。考虑到云南作为农业向中南半岛传播的重要通道,进一步对云南地区新石器-青铜时代先民的生业策略选择的梳理发现,云南地区新石器时代不同区域的人群有不同的农业经营策略。到青铜时代,随着小麦的传入,农业经济的选择更为多元化,动物资源的获取技术也更加成熟多样。不同的农业策略选择除了受到自然条件的影响,也是与相邻地区文化互动的结果。
赵东月 , 吕正 , 张泽涛 , 刘波 , 凌雪 , 万杨 , 杨帆 . 通过稳定同位素分析云南大阴洞遗址先民的生业经济方式[J]. 人类学学报, 2022 , 41(02) : 295 -307 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0035
The origin and dissemination of agriculture is an important innovation in the development of human society. This paper performed carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analysis on human bones unearthed from the Dayindong cave site in Guangnan county, Wenshan prefecture, Yunnan Province, and explores the diet structure and the subsistence economy of ancient ancestors in Southeast Yunnan from the Neolithic Age to the Bronze Age. The results showed that the δ 13C values of the residents at Dayindong Site ranged from -20.2‰ to -17.5‰, mainly C3 plants, and the δ15N values ranged from 9.2‰ to 10.7‰, and their trophic levels were high. There are differences in diet between the sexes, men consume more animal protein than women. In terms of the subsistence strategy, the residents of Dayindong cave site mainly engaged in rice agriculture and hunting, and made diversified use of animal resources, possibly supplement food sources through collection, fishing and hunting, and livestock breeding. On this basis, considering that Yunnan is an important channel for the spread of agriculture to the Indo-China Peninsula, the selection of the Neolithic-Bronze Age production strategy in Yunnan was further sorted out. The populations in different areas of the Neolithic Age in Yunnan had different agriculture management strategies. In the Bronze Age, with the introduction of wheat, the selection of agricultural economy became more diversified, and the technology for obtaining animal resources became more mature and diverse. In addition to being affected by natural conditions, different agricultural strategy choices are also the result of cultural interaction with neighboring regions.
Key words: Dayindong cave site; Bones; Stable isotopes; Dietary structure; Subsistence economy
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