收稿日期: 2023-08-23
修回日期: 2023-11-30
网络出版日期: 2024-04-02
An excavation report of the Dingmo site in Tiandong of Guangxi
Received date: 2023-08-23
Revised date: 2023-11-30
Online published: 2024-04-02
定模遗址位于广西百色田东县布兵盆地内。2010-2011年间,广西民族博物馆和田东县博物馆对定模遗址进行了试掘,面积32 m2,出土了2108件石制品和少量动物化石。石制品类型包括石核、石器、石片、断块、碎片、未经加工的砾石等。石器以打制石器为主,磨制石器较少;类型多样,以砍砸器、刮削器为主,另有少量锯齿刃器、凹缺器等。原料主要来自附近的右江河滩,岩性以砂岩为主。石核剥片以锤击法为主,石器毛坯以砾石和石片为主。经过14C 测年分析,该遗址的距今年代为1.6~0.5万年。定模遗址的试掘为探索百色地区晚更新世末期至全新世初期石器文化面貌提供了新的材料,对于探讨华南及东南亚地区晚更新世石器技术演化提供了新的参考。
艾兰 , 田淳 , 李大伟 , 李金燕 , 王伟 . 广西田东定模遗址发掘简报[J]. 人类学学报, 2024 , 43(02) : 298 -313 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0018
The Dingmo site is located in Bubing Basin, Tiandong County, Baise City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, south China. From 2010 to 2011, the Anthropology Museum of Guangxi and the Tiandong County Museum conducted a test-excavation at the Dingmo site, with a total area of 32 m2, and a total of 2108 stone artifacts were excavated and collected during this excavation. Besides, this excavation also yielded a few animal fossils. The Dingmo lithic assemblage consists of ground stone tools and cores, retouched tools, flakes, spilt flakes, chunks fragments and manuports. The majority of the retouched tools were chipped stone tools and the types of them are diverse, including choppers, scrapers, denticulates, notches and the tools’ blanks were mainly cobbles and flakes. Based on our raw material investigation, the utilized cobbles and pebbles at this site were most possibly collected from the nearby Youjiang River, sandstone-dominated. Freehand hard hammer percussion was exclusively used for core reduction, and the cores in this site appear to be simply worked and expedient. No preparations for the cores’ morphology and platforms were found among the core specimens excavated at the site. Additionally, the flakes predominantly exhibit simple morphologies and platform characteristics. The age of the site is dated to 16000~5000 BP cal using AMS 14C method. This finding add new materials for exploring the Paleolithic to Neolithic culture during Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene in Bose region. Through the comparative analysis of sites within the basin, the Dingmo site exhibits both distinctions and connections with them. Most crucially, it demonstrates certain technological differences when compared with the Zhongshan Rockshelter, which is also located within the Bubin Basin and shares chronological overlap. This implies the existence of regional technological variations within the basin. Furthermore, in comparison with contemporary sites in South China and the Yungui Plateau, Dingmo site displays both technological affinities and disparities. These observed connections and differences serve as essential reference materials for further discussions on the diversity of lithic technology across regions.This preliminary study provides new clues for investigating the evolution of Late Pleistocene lithic technology in South China and Southeast Asia.
Key words: Bubing Basin; Dingmo site; Terminal Pleistocene; Early Holocene; Lithic technology
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