

  • 曾浩然 ,
  • 刘康康 ,
  • 罗亚平
  • 1.中国人民公安大学,北京 100038
    2.安徽省公安教育研究院,合肥 230031
曾浩然,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为痕迹检验技术。E-mail: z875783473@163.com
罗亚平,主要研究方向为痕迹检验技术。E-mail: luoyaping@ppsuc.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2023-05-15

  修回日期: 2023-09-12

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-04



Current status and prospects of the research on finger crease features

  • ZENG Haoran ,
  • LIU Kangkang ,
  • LUO Yaping
  • 1. People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038
    2. Anhui Public Security Education Research Institute, Hefei 230031

Received date: 2023-05-15

  Revised date: 2023-09-12

  Online published: 2024-06-04




曾浩然 , 刘康康 , 罗亚平 . 指纹皱纹研究的现状及展望[J]. 人类学学报, 2024 , 43(03) : 518 -528 . DOI: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0010


The fingerprint is the main morphological area on the finger, which plays an important role in daily life. The fingerprint crease is an obvious feature of non-cutaneous ridge configuration and flexor fold in dermatology. It’s also called fingerprint white lines by many scholars because of the white stripes that can interrupt the normal friction ridge in different directions in the fingerprinting. Due to the obvious morphological and structural characteristics of finger crease features, which are common in modern people, and their formation and performance are related to skin diseases, ethnic populations, individual differences and other factors, finger crease features have gradually entered the field of vision of researchers at home and abroad in the field of anthropology, medicine, forensic science and computer image recognition. Current research on finger crease features includes the following aspects:1) to explore the influencing factors of finger crease features, such as pressure, age, season, ethnicity, etc; 2) to explore the correlation between finger crease features and skin diseases and mental diseases; 3) to explore the identification value of finger crease features in the field of forensic science and to dig the personal information carried by them; 4) Explore the algorithm for automatic recognition and extraction of finger crease features. At the same time, the following prospects are put forward for the study of finger crease features: 1) Develop the standardized measurement methods and evaluation criteria for finger crease features, explore the identification value of finger crease features by using the likelihood ratio theory, and discuss which fingerprint characteristic level finger crease features should belong to; 2) OCT technology was used to explore the expression of finger crease features in the dermis and epidermis, and to explore the formation mechanism of finger crease features; 3) Yolov5 target recognition technology was used to realize automatic recognition and extraction of finger crease features. As a result, a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and introduction were conducted to sort out the primary attributes and the current status of finger crease features’ research home and abroad. In the end, we also give a personal perspective on the future direction and the remaining challenges in the finger crease features related field. New exciting progress is expected in the development of related field with continued interest and attention to the finger crease features.


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