Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (04): 536-548.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0047

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Body composition of Baoan adults in Linxia, Gansu Province

BAI Jingya1(), CHENG Peng2, MA Bin1, OUYANG Siwei1, WEI Dong1, HAI Xiangjun1()   

  1. 1. College of Medicine, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730030
    2. Center Blood Bank, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Hezuo 747000
  • Received:2023-11-20 Revised:2024-05-28 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-13


In order to explore the gender differences and age change in body composition, the bioelectrical impedance method was carefully applied to assess a comprehensive set of 31 body composition indicators among 658 adults in Baoan, consisting of 291 males and 367 females. The study discovered that the adults of Baoan possess a commendably normal body fat percentage, and they also exhibit notably developed muscles and impressively higher bone mass. However, the study pointedly revealed that the Baoan adults are teetering on the edge of an overweight status, with males particularly susceptible to the concerning issue of visceral obesity. Gender differences in body composition indicators were distinctly observed, except for visceral fat mass, which demonstrated no significant divergence between the sexes. The study further conducted a thorough analysis of the data across six distinct age groups, uncovering statistically significant differences in all 31 indicators. Indicators such as the visceral fat grade, visceral fat area, visceral fat mass, waist-to-hip ratio, left lower limb fat percent, extracellular fluid, and edema index were determined to be positively correlated with age. Conversely, the total muscle mass, limb muscle mass, estimated bone mass, total body water mass, intracellular fluid, protein, and basal metabolism exhibited a negative correlation with age, signifying a progressive decline in these components as individuals age. Comparative analysis with other ethnic groups illustrated that Baoan males have a higher total body water mass and more developed trunk fat and muscle mass compared to their Tibetan, Han, Hui, and Dongxiang males. They are nearly equivalent to those of the Yugur males. In contrast, Baoan females display a lower trunk and left upper limb fat percentage as well as less right upper limb muscle mass, which is found to be similar to those of Dongxiang, Tibetan, Hui, and Han females, yet they are comparatively lower than the Yugur females. The body composition characteristics of Baoan adults include a normal body fat percentage, well-developed muscles, and good bone condition. Males also tend to have higher levels of total body water mass and visceral fat.

Key words: Baoan, Adults, Body composition, Bioelectrical impedance analysis

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