Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (04): 613-628.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2024.0050

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Teeth morphology of Han, Hui, Mongolia, Miao and Uyghur peoples in China

ZHU Haige1(), QIAO Hui1, YANG Chen1, GUAN Haijuan1, ZHANG Hang2, WEN Shaoqing1, XIA Bin2, TAN Jingze1()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology of Ministry of Education, Institute of Archaeological Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438
    2. Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, National Center of Stomatology, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2023-12-04 Revised:2024-05-07 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-13


Studies showed that the dental morphological traits are mostly controlled by multiple genes, and environmental factors have a relatively small impact on them. Therefore, there are significant distribution differences in different geographical or ethnic groups. The formation of these differences is closely related to the origin and evolution of populations or ethnic groups in different regions, as well as the communication and integration between populations. It is of great significance for revealing the origin and evolution of populations and the relationships between populations. In this study, 26 dental morphological traits of Han Chinese, Hui, Mongolian, Miao, and Uyghur populations were analyzed. We conducted the side consistency analysis, gender difference analysis, correlation analysis between traits and ageto explore the characteristics of dental morphological traits in five populations. Based on the population frequency data, the dental morphological traits of the five populations were compared with other Chinese populations, Japanese populations, Northeast Asia populations, Southeast Asia populations, European populations and African populations by multivariate statistical analysis. We explored the group relationships between five Chinese populations and global populations, as well as the dental morphological traits of the five populations. Our results showed that there was no difference between left and right sides in most dental morphological traits of the five populations, no gender difference in all traits, most dental traits showed no significant correlation with age. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that results confirmed that there objectively exist two types of dental features called Sundadonty and Sinodonty. The Han Chinese in Taizhou belongs to Northeast Asia populations, and has a high frequency of Shoveling and Double Shoveling. The Miao in Guizhou is located between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia populations, and the incidence of Shoveling is relatively high. The Mongolian in Inner Mongolia and Hui in Ningxia belong to Southeast Asian population by the principal component analysis and multidimensional scale analysis, but they are located between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia populations, and are clustered with the Miao in Guizhou through the adjacency network diagram. The lower frequency of Shoveling and Double Shoveling of Mongolian and Hui are similar to the Southeast Asian population. The Uyghur population is located between the East Asian population, the European, and North African populations, and is closest to the Han Chinese in Taizhou. The high-frequency Shoveling, Double Shoveling, and low-frequency Y-Groove are very similar to the Northeastern Asian population, but the absolute high-frequency of the Cusp4 is similar to the European population, confirming that the Uyghur population is a typical Eurasian mixed population.

Key words: Dental Morphological, Traits, Anthropology, Han, Ethnic Minority

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