Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1986, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (01): 89-100.

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Preliminary studies of sedimental environment and taphonomy in the hominoid fossil site of Lufeng

Chen Wanyong   

  • Online:1986-03-15 Published:1986-03-15

Abstract: ?Lufeng site is not only famous for its Hominoid fossils but also a very ideal place for the studies of taphonomy. In this paper, attention is paid to the measurements of the fossil distribution and the observation of their burial condition. The sedimental environment, together with the burial law, paleomorphology, paleoclimate, water chemieal properties of the laeustrine sediments and palcoccology, is diseussed. Thereby a lithostratigraphical section of the excavated site, a schematic paleoecology map, a generalized stratigraphic column, a geological section and a rosette diagram showing the distribution of the long bones, direction are drawn. The problem whether the fossils were autoehthonous or allochthonous is diseussed. And the reasons why the fossils were much concentrated and why they could be preserved so well are considered. Shihuiba and Miaoshanpo Formations, upper Miocene and lower pliocene, in Lufeng can be divided into five sedimental environments from bottom to top as below: 1. Intermontane fluvial environment; 2. Diluvial fan and debris flow environment; 3. Shallow lacustrine environment; 4. Shallow lacustrine bay and lacustrine shore-swamp environment ; 5. Fluvial environment (Miaoshanpo Formation) .

Key words: Sedimental environment; Taphonomy