Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1986, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (04): 317-324.

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A study of the typology of stone tools from the cave of Baiyanjiao, Puding, Guizhou

Li Yanxian, Cai Huiyang   

  • Online:1986-12-15 Published:1986-12-15

Abstract: The present article deals with the typology of stone tools found in the cave of Baiyanjiao, Puding, Guizhou. Pebble tools and tools made on flakes are analysed. Scrapers are abundant, comprising some 85% of the total, vary in shape, and delicately retouched, while points are few (4%) and roughly worked. End scrapers and backed knives as well as burins and notches are rarely represented. Pebble tools including choppers and chopping-tools make up 9% of the total.

Key words: Typology; Late Paleolithic