Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1987, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (02): 96-102.

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The polymorphism of adenylate kinase, adenosine deaminase, haptoglobin and a1-antitrypsin in Mongolian, Korean and Zhuang populations of China

Xu Jiujin, Cui Meiying, Li Shizhe, Chen Liangzhong, Du Ruofu, H. W. Goedde, H. G. Benkman, G. Kriese, P. Bogdanski   

  • Online:1987-06-15 Published:1987-06-15

Abstract: The genetic polymorphism of adenylate kinase (AK) , adenosine deaminase (ADA) , haptoglobin (Hp) and ar-antitrypsin (ai-TA) was investigated in the Mongolian of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Korean of Jilin Province and Zhuang of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in China. The gene frequencies of Mongolian, Korean and Zhuang were: AK.11-0. 9843, 1. 0000, 1. 0000; ADA1-0. 9529, 0. 9468, 0. 9573; Hp1-0. 2597, 0. 3152, 0. 3571; PiM-0. 9953, 0. 9953, 0. 9928; Pi°-0. 0000, 0. 0000, 0. 0072; PiF-0. 0047, 0. 0047, 0. 0000, respectively. The x2test showed that all of the observed distributions of phenotypes of four genetic markers in Mongolian, Ko- rean and Zhuang populations were consistent with the Hardy-Weinberg’s law.

Key words: AK; ADA; Hp; a1-AT; Polymosphism; National minorities in China