Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1991, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03): 238-242.

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A study of palmar patterns of 460 normal people of Man Nationality

Zhuang Zhenxi, Gao Xiuzhen, Wang Huifu, Tian Shijia   

  • Online:1991-09-15 Published:1991-09-15

Abstract: This paper reports the survey results of pa lmar patterns on 460 normal people of Man na-tionality. The palmar patterns studied in this paper are as follows: main line A. B. C. D;main line index(MLI); main line index of tra nsversality MLIT); fold-palm (a complex palmar flexion crease) and main line formula.
The average values of MLl is 6.57±11.59(SD). It has no significant difference betweensexes(P > 0.05), but has significant difference between left and right hands. The average values of MLIT is 22.46±3.58(SD). It has significant difference between sexes and between left and right hands.
The frequency of fold-palm is 3.05% (male: 1.09%, female: 5.00%). The bilateral symmetry of D.C.B.A main line formula is 36.52%. The major type of D.C.B.A main line formulais 7.5’’.5'3 (23.04%).

Key words: Dermatoglyphics; Man nationality; Palmar pattern; Main line index; Main line formula