Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1991, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03): 243-250.

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The estimation of hand dermatoglyphics in schizophrenia

Xuan Miaozhen, Chen Zufen, Yu Weidang et al   

  • Online:1991-09-15 Published:1991-09-15

Abstract: The hand dermatoglyphics of 481 schizophrenic patients have been studied and compared with those of 180 normal persons. The results showed that the percentage of abnormal pal-mar creases was higher than the control. The main features 'were wrinkles-palm, whichwas .72.02±1.45% (control was 38 ±2.56%). The divergence of the ends of three main palmarcrease has higher percentage than the normal. Percentages of five patterns of the palmar crease were different between patients and the normal. The fingerprint of whorl was moreabundant, so the index of the whorl and loop was high, TFRC was high (161.87 +35.54). Theangleatd was larger (42.7°±415.54), a-b RC was low (39±15.32) on average.Five markers( wrinkes-palm, end divergence of three main palmar creases, angle atd, palmar creases of transverse patterns, and otherabnormalhand dermatoglyphics) have been adoptedto esti-mate. The full mark was 100. If the score of hand dermatoglyphics of a patient is more than70, he is a suffer from schizophrenia.

Key words: Schizophrenia; Dermatoglyphics; Estimation