Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1993, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (02): 137-146.

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Anthropological survey on the Mongolian Tuerhute Tribe in He Shuo County, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region

Wang Jinglan, Shao Xingzhou, Cui Jing et al.   

  • Online:1993-06-15 Published:1993-06-15

Abstract: A physical anthropological survey was made in July 1990 on the Tuerhute tribe of Mongols, including 94 males and 55 females. The age ranges are from 20 to 58. All their parents and grandparents belong to the Tuerhute tribe.
the results of the survey are summarized as follows;
1. The physical characteristics of the Tuerhute Mongols.
The Tuerhute M ongols has features of the North Asian type of Mongoloid race. The hair is straight in form and black in color. The Mongoloid fold appears in high percentage. A ccording to five different indices(eu--eu/ g-op, auricular height/ g-op, auricular height/ eu--eu, n-gn/ zy--zy and nasal breath/nasal height), most of the individuals belong to brachycephaly, hypsicephaly, acrocephaly, euryprosopy and mesoprosopy, leptorrhiny.
The mean stature of males is 1673 mm, and that of females is 1 564mm.
2. The relationship of the Tuerhute Mongols and other nationalities.
The results of comparison with 33 other nationslities reveal that the Tuerhute tribe is most closely related to the Kazakh, Uighur and other nationalities in Xinjiang, and is also closely related to nationalities in the Northeast, Inner M ongolia and Gansu. At the same time it is remotely related to the Benglong, Yao and other nationalities is South China.
3. A comparison between the Tuerhute Mongols and the M ongols in Inner Mongolia. We have made 34 items of measurement for T tests between the Tuerhute and the Mongols inInner Mongolia. Difference in 21 items are highly significant, in 4 items are significant.

Key words: Somatoscopy; Anthropometry; Mongolian; Tuerhute; Xinjiang