Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1995, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (01): 51-55.

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Studies on blood groups in Gelao and Shui Nationalities in Guizhou and Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi

Wei Yehua, Huang Liying   

  • Online:1995-03-15 Published:1995-03-15

Abstract: The ABO blood groups in 412 Gelao people and 422 Shui people in Guizhou province and 724 Zhuang people in Guangxi were investigated. The results showed that gene frequencies for ABO blood groups are r=0.6114, p=0.2071, q=0.1815 in Gelao; r=0.6411, p=0.1845, q=0.1744 in Shui; r=0.6722, p=0.1478, q=0.1719 in Zhuang. The gene frequency in Gelao and Shui is r > p>q. The genetic distance of Gelao, Shui, Bouyei, Miao, Han in Guizhou province and 6 groups of Zhuang in Guangxi was calculated and cluster graph was drawn. The genetic distance between Shui, Miao and Zhuang is shorter and that between Gelao and Han is shortest. Each one is in one group respectively. The genetic distance between Bouyei and Zhuang is shorter than that of other nationalities. It suggested that there was the same nationality origin or high consanguineous mixture between them.

Key words: ABO blood groups; Gene frequency; Gene distance