Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2000, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01): 65-72.

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The research on dietary and feeding time budget of white-headed leaf monkey

Huang Chengming, Sun Ruyong, Xue Yuegui, Wei Suling, Li Youbang   

  • Online:2000-03-15 Published:2000-03-15

Abstract: White-headed leaf monkey lives at karst hill and feeds on leaves. After more than one years research, it was found that 42 species were included in the food of this monkey, among them arbor, shrub, vine and grass constitute 42. 8% , 26. 1% , 21. 5% and 9. 6% respectively. Among the dietary , leave ranged from 63% — 95% , fruit, 5% — 35% and flower varied from 0— 6% . There were two kinds of feeding pattern of each social group. There were two feeding peaks daily appearing at the time just after leaving the cave in morning and just before returning and entering the cave in evening respectively. The percentage of feeding time in day time varied from 10. 03% in summer and higher of 23. 21% in winter which has relationship with abundance of food which is related to the abundance of food supply.

Key words: White-headed leaf monkey ( Presbytis leucocephalus) , Dietary, Feeding time budget