Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (02): 137-143.

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A primary report on the excavation of the Liuhe site in Bose Basin, Guangxi, South China

HUANG Sheng-min; LIU Yang; HUANG Xin; HUANG Ming-yang; LIU Kang-ti; HUANG Feng; YAN Jian-guo   

  • Online:2012-06-15 Published:2012-06-15

Abstract: The ?Liuhe ?site, ?located? on ?the? fourth? terrace ?of? the ?Youjiang ?River,? was ?excavated? from? June? to? November,? 2005,? which? was? a? salvage? archeological? project? for? the? anticipated? construction ?of ?the ?Bose-Nanning? Expressway.? The? excavations? exposed ?an ?area ?of ?1000㎡. A? total? of? 72? relics? were? discovered,? including? 2? neoliths,? 69? paleoliths? and? 1? tektite.? The? paleoliths? include? cores(N=4),? flakes(N=5),? tools(N=14)? and? chunks(N=46).? The? tools? appear? with? choppers(N=12) and? picks(N=2).? Lithic ?raw ?materials? of ?the ?industry? were ?exploited ?locally? from? ancient? riverbeds.? Quartzite(53.61%),? breccia(18.82%),? fine? Sandstone(7.37%),? silicolites? (5.80%),? medium? Sandstone(2.90%) ?and? Quartz(1.45%)? were ?utilized ?in? core? reduction? and ?tool? manufacture,? with? Quartzite ?the ?predominant ?type.? Blanks ?for ?tool ?fabrication? are ?pebbles.? Most? of? the ?stone ?artifacts? are? large ?and? middle? in? size,? and? modified? by ?direct ?hammer ?percussion.?The? stone? tool? assemblage? of? the? Liuhe? site? shows? close? association? with? the? lithic? industry? in? Bose.? Geomorphological ?and? chronological ?comparison? with ?other ?sites ?in? Bose ?Basin ?indicates ?that? the? age? of ?the ?paleoliths ?of ?Liuhe? site?s hould? be?close ?to ?the? early? Middle? Pleistocene.?

Key words: Bose ?basin;?Liuhe? site;?Stone ?artifacts;?Early ?Middle? Pleistocene