Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (01): 23-35.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0002
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YUAN Junjie;
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WEI Xuan, YUAN Junjie. Basic physical characteristics of potters indicated by the handprints on surface of tomb bricks from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Southern Dynasty in Guangxi and Guangdong provinces[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2022, 41(01): 23-35.
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广州 Guangzhou | 贵港 Guigang | |
年代 Age | 东汉 | 东汉-南朝 |
陶质 Texture | 泥质黄灰陶 | 泥质青灰陶 |
火候 Temperature | 火候较低,砖质疏松 | 火候略高 |
砖型 Type of bricks | 长方形砖、楔形砖 | 长方形砖、楔形砖、方砖 |
大小 Size | 大都宽大厚重 | 砖块变小 |
纹饰 Ornamentation | 多素面,极少有几何纹 | 多素面,少数有文字或几何纹 |
掌印压坑深度 Pressed depth | 极浅 | 略深 |
掌印型式 Type of hand-printed | 右手掌印纹砖、左手掌印纹砖、双手掌印纹砖 | 右手掌印纹砖、左手掌印纹砖 |
Tab.1 The comparison of hand-printed bricks unearthed from Guangzhou and Guigang
广州 Guangzhou | 贵港 Guigang | |
年代 Age | 东汉 | 东汉-南朝 |
陶质 Texture | 泥质黄灰陶 | 泥质青灰陶 |
火候 Temperature | 火候较低,砖质疏松 | 火候略高 |
砖型 Type of bricks | 长方形砖、楔形砖 | 长方形砖、楔形砖、方砖 |
大小 Size | 大都宽大厚重 | 砖块变小 |
纹饰 Ornamentation | 多素面,极少有几何纹 | 多素面,少数有文字或几何纹 |
掌印压坑深度 Pressed depth | 极浅 | 略深 |
掌印型式 Type of hand-printed | 右手掌印纹砖、左手掌印纹砖、双手掌印纹砖 | 右手掌印纹砖、左手掌印纹砖 |
II指掌侧(A2B2) | III指掌侧长(A3B3) | 左手掌宽(IF) | 右手掌宽(IF) | 左手掌尺侧长(JN) | 右手掌尺侧长(JN) | |
14-15岁 | 6.5 | 7.4 | 7.0 | 7.2 | 5.7 | 5.6 |
16-20岁 | 6.8 | 7.8 | 7.2 | 7.3 | 5.9 | 5.9 |
21-30岁 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 7.4 | 7.5 | 6.4 | 6.2 |
31-40岁 | 6.7 | 7.7 | 7.3 | 7.4 | 5.8 | 5.8 |
Tab.2 The relationship between handprint length-weight and age [10](cm)
II指掌侧(A2B2) | III指掌侧长(A3B3) | 左手掌宽(IF) | 右手掌宽(IF) | 左手掌尺侧长(JN) | 右手掌尺侧长(JN) | |
14-15岁 | 6.5 | 7.4 | 7.0 | 7.2 | 5.7 | 5.6 |
16-20岁 | 6.8 | 7.8 | 7.2 | 7.3 | 5.9 | 5.9 |
21-30岁 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 7.4 | 7.5 | 6.4 | 6.2 |
31-40岁 | 6.7 | 7.7 | 7.3 | 7.4 | 5.8 | 5.8 |
手长 hand length | 身高Height (cm) | ||||||
19.1-19.5 cm | 176-180 | ||||||
18.6-19 cm | 171-175 | ||||||
18.1-18.5 cm | 166-170 | ||||||
17.6-18 cm | 161-165 | ||||||
17.1-17.5 cm | 156-160 | ||||||
16.6-17 cm | 151-155 | ||||||
16.1-16.5 cm | 146-150 | ||||||
15.6-16 cm | |||||||
15.1-15.5 cm | |||||||
14.6-15 cm | |||||||
14-14.5 cm |
Tab.3 Relationship between of handprint and stature[10]
手长 hand length | 身高Height (cm) | ||||||
19.1-19.5 cm | 176-180 | ||||||
18.6-19 cm | 171-175 | ||||||
18.1-18.5 cm | 166-170 | ||||||
17.6-18 cm | 161-165 | ||||||
17.1-17.5 cm | 156-160 | ||||||
16.6-17 cm | 151-155 | ||||||
16.1-16.5 cm | 146-150 | ||||||
15.6-16 cm | |||||||
15.1-15.5 cm | |||||||
14.6-15 cm | |||||||
14-14.5 cm |
型别 Type | 身高Height (cm) | |
男 Male | 女 Female | |
很矮 Very short | <149.9 | <139.9 |
矮 Short | 150.0-159.9 | 140.0-148.9 |
亚中等 Sub-medium | 160.0-163.9 | 149.0-152.9 |
中等 Medium | 164.0-166.9 | 153.0-155.9 |
超中等 Super-medium | 167.0-169.9 | 156.0-158.9 |
高 Tall | 170.0-179.9 | 159.0-167.9 |
很高 Very tall | >180.0 | >168.0 |
Tab.4 The class of stature [6]
型别 Type | 身高Height (cm) | |
男 Male | 女 Female | |
很矮 Very short | <149.9 | <139.9 |
矮 Short | 150.0-159.9 | 140.0-148.9 |
亚中等 Sub-medium | 160.0-163.9 | 149.0-152.9 |
中等 Medium | 164.0-166.9 | 153.0-155.9 |
超中等 Super-medium | 167.0-169.9 | 156.0-158.9 |
高 Tall | 170.0-179.9 | 159.0-167.9 |
很高 Very tall | >180.0 | >168.0 |
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