Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2005, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (01): 54-57.

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The comparison and analysis of physical development of Kazak students for the past 10 years

ZHANG Mingtao, TANG Yong, LIANG Shaohua, MENG Xinling, WANG Lanting   

  • Online:2005-03-15 Published:2005-03-15

Abstract: For the development status of Kazak children and adolescents, the authors measured 2 589 Kazak urban students of the age between 7 and 18 years old. The measurements include stature, body weight, sitting height, chest circumference, shoulder and pelvic width. The results that all indexes are increased along with the accretion of age. The average increasing values of all indexes of boys are higher than those of the girls. Compared with the results of the same investigation in 1985, values of stature, body weight, and chest circumference changed recent 10 years. The rush age of stature growth are still at 142year2old for boys and 102year2old for girls. The increment of sitting height is not in corresponding proportion to the stature. There are negative values of shoulder width increment in some age groups of female, and pelvic breadth in all age groups of both male and female. It indicates that the body constitution of Kazak students has changed comparing with that of 10 years ago.

Key words: Anthropometry; Growth and development; Kazak nationality