Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (02): 159-162.

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An analysis of dermatoglyphics density of the Han nationality from Guangdong

CHEN Xiao-yan; YU Zhi-jian; CHEN Xiu-hu   

  • Online:2010-06-15 Published:2010-06-15

Abstract: The purpose of this research was to obtain the basic parameters in the density of dermatoglyphics of the Han nationality in Guangdong. With informed consent, ink prints of the palmar patterns of 307 health students aged 18-21 years (157 males and 150 females) were collected. Palmar ridge counts were measured by stereomicroscope and the density of dermatoglyphics was calculated with the following results: a-bRC (36.19 ± 5.58), b-cRC (25. 86 ± 5. 21), c-dRC (32. 83 ± 5. 57), a-dRC (75. 43 ± 13. 11) and t-dRC (90. 66 ± 13. 50). Males are higher than females except for the following characteristics: c-dRC, a-bDD, b-cDD, c-dDD, a-dDD, t-dDD and △atdDD are 16. 76 ± 1. 98, 17. 68 ± 2. 39, 16. 89 ± 1. 85, 14. 49 ± 2. 24, 14. 42 ± 1. 67 and 5. 54 ± 0. 75 respectively. Females were all higher than males. The results of this work showed dermatoglyphic differences between the Han nationalities of Guangdong and Jianxi, with the Tibetan people in Tibet. The density of dermatoglyphics in the Han nationality in Guangdong have their own features, but with the general characteristics of Mongoloids. These feature to colonial origin and difference of habitat.

Key words: Dermatoglyphics; Han nationality; Guangdong