Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1984, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (04): 334-340.

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Investigation on the supratrochlear foramen in the Chinese humerus

Yang Yutian, Li Yingyi   

  • Online:1984-12-15 Published:1984-12-15

Abstract: This paper presents an investigation on the supratrochlear foramina in 213 pairs of Chinese adult humeri (122 males and 91 females). The data are as follows:
1. Rate of appearance: In 47 specimens the supratrochlear foramina were found 11 ca&es (9%) on the left side and 6 cases (5%) on the right, in 17 males and 15 cases (16%) on both sides respectively in 30 females. The rate of appearance is higher in females than in males (2.29:1). They are located more often on the left side than on the right and found in pairs in 12 eases (51.06%), and non-pairs in 23 cases (48.94).
2. Shape : The shape of the supratrochlear foramina is different, but mostly transverse-oval (37 eases, 78.72%). A rounded shape was found in 5 cases (10.46%), polygonal in 3 cases (6.38%) and longitudinal-oval in 2 cases (4.26%).
3. Number: One supratrochlear foramen was found in one humerus in 46 cases (97.87%) and two in one case (2.1%).
4. Diameter: The longitudinal diameter of the supratrochlear foramina ranged from 1 to 6.85 mm and the transverse diameter from 1 to 10.30 mm.
The cause for the appearance of the foramen is discussed.
The results of investigation were compared with the data reported by others.

Key words: Supratrochlear foramen; Race character; Sex difference