Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (03): 378-392.doi: 10.16359/j.1000-3193/AAS.2021.0068
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REN Jincheng1,5(), WANG Fagang6, LI Feng2,3(
), YANG Qingjiang2,4, CHEN Fuyou2,3, GAO Xing2,4
LI Feng;
CLC Number:
REN Jincheng, WANG Fagang, LI Feng, YANG Qingjiang, CHEN Fuyou, GAO Xing. Formation processes of the Banjingzi Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2021, 40(03): 378-392.
类型 Types 层位 Layers | 石制品 Lithics | (编号)动物化石Animal bones | 砾石 Pebbles | 合计 Total |
第4层 Layer 4 | 61 | 4 | 65 | |
第5层 Layer 5 | 2563 | 1028 | 716 | 4307 |
第6层 Layer 6 | 31 | 14 | 45 |
Tab.1 The number of archaeological remains excavated from different layers
类型 Types 层位 Layers | 石制品 Lithics | (编号)动物化石Animal bones | 砾石 Pebbles | 合计 Total |
第4层 Layer 4 | 61 | 4 | 65 | |
第5层 Layer 5 | 2563 | 1028 | 716 | 4307 |
第6层 Layer 6 | 31 | 14 | 45 |
原料 Raw materials 石制品 Lithics | 燧石 Chert | 石英 Quartz | 石英岩 Quartzite | 石英砂岩 Quartz sandstone | 白云岩Dolomite | 各类火成岩 Igneous | 其他岩性 Others | |||||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | |
石核类 Cores | 80 | 3.74% | 5 | 3.67% | 7 | 6.25% | 17 | 26.56% | 4 | 8.89% | ||||
废片类 Debitage | 1919 | 89.67% | 130 | 95.59% | 38 | 90.48% | 75 | 93.75% | 46 | 71.88% | 41 | 87.23% | 31 | 68.89% |
修理类 Retouched tools | 141 | 6.59% | 1 | 0.74% | 4 | 9.52% | 1 | 1.56% | 6 | 12.77% | 10 | 22.22% |
Tab.2 Stone artifact assemblage composition of different raw materials in layer 5
原料 Raw materials 石制品 Lithics | 燧石 Chert | 石英 Quartz | 石英岩 Quartzite | 石英砂岩 Quartz sandstone | 白云岩Dolomite | 各类火成岩 Igneous | 其他岩性 Others | |||||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | n | % | |
石核类 Cores | 80 | 3.74% | 5 | 3.67% | 7 | 6.25% | 17 | 26.56% | 4 | 8.89% | ||||
废片类 Debitage | 1919 | 89.67% | 130 | 95.59% | 38 | 90.48% | 75 | 93.75% | 46 | 71.88% | 41 | 87.23% | 31 | 68.89% |
修理类 Retouched tools | 141 | 6.59% | 1 | 0.74% | 4 | 9.52% | 1 | 1.56% | 6 | 12.77% | 10 | 22.22% |
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