Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1988, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (02): 102-105.

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Late Neolithic human skeletons from Youyu Hill, Nanhai County, Guangdong Province

Huang Xinmei, Liu Jianan   

  • Online:1988-06-15 Published:1988-06-15

Abstract: The materials of human bone studied in this paper were unearthed by the archaeological group of the Guangdong Provincial Museum and the archaeological students of Beijing University from Late Neolithic Youyu Hill, Shell Mound in Nanhai County, Guangdong Province in 1985.
Of 26 skeletons observed 16 males and 3 females can be determined. The age of most skeletons was under 14 and 36-55.
Only 5 skulls can be studied because of poor preservation.
The stature of males is higher tban that of females. The former is 157.18 cm and the latter is 155.29 cm in average.
The custom of extracting upper incisors and upper premolars was found in Youyu Hill population.
Based on the research of skeletons, we found that the population of Youyu Hill has the features of Mongoloid of Southern China.

Key words: Neolithic; Skeleton; Custon of extracting teeth; Guangdong