Acta Anthropologica Sinica ›› 1988, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (02): 177-181.

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The hand preferrence of Presbytis, Rhinopithecus and Hylobates in picking up food

Ma Yuanyeh, Tian Yuanfen, Deng Ziyun   

  • Online:1988-06-15 Published:1988-06-15

Abstract: The animals used in this research were 12 RH (male: 8, female: 4), 25PR (male: 16, female: 9) and 5HY (male: 3, female: 2). Each animal was observed more than 30 times. The results show that 62.5% male RH were right-handed, 25% were left-handed and 12.5% were both hand preference. ln male PR, 62.5% were right -handed, 18.7% were left-handed and 18.7% were both handed preference. In male Hy, two animals were right-handed, one animal was both-hand preference.
Statistic data of this research show that there was clear right-hand preference in male RH (P <0.05) and there was right-hand preference which approachs the clear level(P=0.06) in male PR. Data from HY were not calculated because of the limited number of animal we used.
In female RH, PR and HY, there were not deviation and laterality of hand preference.

Key words: Rhinopithecus; Presbytis; Hylobates hand preference